ZEOS Fractal - Meeting #1

6 months ago

The five founding members held their very first fractally meeting on 28th October 2023, which from now on will take place on a weekly basis each Saturday at 16:00 UTC.

Our very first official action couldn't be more controversial: We just executed our first multi-signature transaction through which we reclaimed more than 100M ZEOS tokens from two centralized exchange accounts that were (wrongly) included in the ZEOS airdrop that took place about two years ago. For more information please take a look at the following article in which we explain the reasons that led to this decision.


At the same time Matthias transferred the ownership of the ZEOS token contract to the ZEOS DAO.

To everyone who is interested in joining the DAO, please check out the linked article above and sign yourself up at dao.zeos.one

Website: https://zeos.one/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ZEOSonEOS
Telegram: https://t.me/ZeosOnEos
Medium: https://medium.com/@matthias.schoenebeck
Github: https://github.com/mschoenebeck

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