Our Responsibilities During Occulation | Imam Mahdi Ghaibat | Reasons Of Ghaibat | Part 01

7 months ago

After submitting ourselves to Allah and believing in the messengership of Muhammad (upon whom be peace), our first duty is to know the Imam of our time. This matter can be studied from three aspects:

a) The reality of knowing the Imam.

b) The importance of knowing the Imam from hadith’s point of view.

c) Why knowledge of the Imam is necessary?

The Reality of Knowing The imam
Knowledge (ma‘rifah) means to be acquainted with someone or something. For example, the “knowledge” of the Prophet means studying his biography, understanding his claim of prophethood, his aims, and his teachings, etc. To know the history of a person, his ideas and teachings means to have “knowledge” of him.

The first duty of the Shi‘ahs, according to the ahadith of the Imams, is to know the Imam of their time. What does this mean? Does it mean only to know that; Our Imam was born on the 15th of Sha‘ban, 255 A.H.; there were four representatives of the Imam during the lesser occultation (al-ghaybahaṣ-Ṣughrah).These four representatives were: ‘Uthman ibn Sa‘id al-‘Amri, from 260/875-6 to 265/879; Muhammad ibn ‘Uthman al-‘Amri, from his father’s death until his own in 305/917; al-Husayn ibn Rawh an-Nawbakhti, from then until 326/937-8; and finally ‘Ali bin Muhammad as-Samari, until his death in 329/940-1;the greater occultation (al-ghaybah al-kubra) began in 329 A.H./940 A.D.?

Does our duty about knowing the Imam of our time end at these historical informations? Surely not; the reality of the knowledge of the Imam is not just the knowing of these historical facts. Even the non-Shi‘ahs are aware of these facts.

So what is the knowledge of the Imam? To fulfill our responsibility in regard to the knowledge of the Present Imam,

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