Gorilla Indigo's Food Fumbles On A Pole At Budapest Zoo

1 year ago

*Indigó cleverly stakes out the top of a pole during feeding time at Budapest Gorilla Outside, showcasing amusing attempts to catch her favourite food, while the rest of the gorilla family enjoys their meals in preferred spots.*

It's feeding time at the Budapest Gorilla Outside. The food is thrown in from above from two keepers. Indigó's favourite place to get her food is on top of the pole, closer to the keepers while the others all seem to have their favourite place.
The first thing that is getting thrown Indigó tries to catch it but fails. She stands up on the pole and beats her chest. The second one, nope went past her as well, but you have to give it to her she sticks with her plan and stays on the pole. Silverback Golo and Indigó's mum N'yaounda are tucking into their lettuces. Sweet Indigó is still holding her hands out to get some food and finally, she gets her lettuce. N'yaounda 'has another lettuce, pulling a bit off and crunching it together before eating. Just look at her face, truly enjoying her lettuce. Indigó quickly puts out her arms for some more, so funny with her straightening up her back. The leek goes past her, but then she catches some lettuce. Iringo comes down from the strap and gets herself some food that has fallen onto the grass. Some more hit-and-miss moments for Indigó before she dismounts from the pole to get some food from the ground.
Next week more from the family. N'yaounda signs when she wants more.

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