Rhema Oct 27, 2023 ❤️ Enoch's Speech on Sparks of Truth, the Life of Lies and the coming Judgment

1 year ago

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Enoch's Speech...
The Sparks of Truth, the Life of Lies & The coming Judgment

Chapter 101 - Enoch's Speech to Horadal and his Army

1. And the high Abedam (The Lord) summoned Enoch and said to him: "Enoch, behold, these misguided ones are not capable of hearing and absorbing into their lives, words from My mouth since their whole spirit is already a spirit of the serpent.

2. The words coming from My mouth bring death to those who now live more out of the spirit of the serpent.

3. Therefore, open your mouth in My name and tell them the meaning of My will, as you will find it within you.

4. "Only then will I say three words to this generation, either towards life or towards death! Amen."

5. When Enoch had heard this request by Me, he thanked Me in the fullness of his love for Me, praised and glorified Me in a loud voice before all the ears of the lowlands and then began to address the following speech to Horadal, saying:

6. "Horadal, listen and comprehend and heed it well in the depth of your heart what you will now hear from my mouth; for what I shall now tell you, is not my word, but solely the holy word of Him, Who is amongst us and has called me before your ears to proclaim to you His most holy will, for you might not hear the voice of His mouth and stay alive.

7. "For the life you are leading is a life of falsehood and all wickedness out of it, which latter is the old, proud, unruly, fallen spirit who does not ever want to turn back to Him Who called him into being but, on the contrary, deludes himself into thinking that he is an omnipotent Spirit of all spirits, whereas he is weaker than a fly and has only strength in falsehood, in which he is a great master.

8. "Such a life is no life but sheer death; but this cannot last if the living voice of God comes over it but, like falsehood in the light of truth, perishes utterly.

9. "Unless falsehood is exposed to light, it remains in its phantom reality pretending to be something; but in the light of truth it suddenly ceases to exist as though it had never been there.

10. "God's Word from His mouth is surely the most sublime light. If it came in its fullness to you, who are nothing but falsehood, what would become of you?

11. "However, so that you might still realize the greatness of Jehovah's love, He has called me to speak to you in His name.

12. "And His love is of such a magnitude that He even spares falsehood and, retracting His almighty light, makes it return only sparsely, so that even falsehood, ready to accept the little sparks of His light, might pass into a real life which would gradually become more capable of finally enduring in the fullness of the divine light, in and out of which it would then pass into His endless love and in this become a new being, even a being of love, in which to attain the sonship of the heavens and after that even the sonship of God.

13. "Behold, these words from my mouth are such returning little sparks; if you are willing to absorb them it may happen to you according to these my words.

14. "However, if you remain in your falsehood, I tell you in the name of Him Who is now among us as a true, most loving, holy Father:

15. "Behold, He, the Lord of heaven and earth, He, the almighty God from eternity to eternity, comes and will come with many of His holy ones to sit in judgment with His light over all falsehood and to punish all the godless for their godless actions and behavior and for all their harsh deeds and the many blasphemies such godless sinners have uttered against Him!

16. "And who is godless? Behold, he who, like you, represents a life of falsehood in which there is no longer any truth!


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