Our Responsibilities During Occulation | Imam Mahdi Ghaibat | Reasons Of Ghaibat | Part 02

8 months ago

we have to study the following matters:

1. The need for an Imam and a “proof” (hujjah) of God. In other words, the significance of the divine guidance which takes the form of imamat after the finality of nubuwwah (prohethood) and risalah (messengership).

2. The reality of imamat and wilayah. That is, the nature of the relationship of an Imam with the Prophet and Allah; and the relationship of the Shi‘ahs with the Imam.

3. The evidence of the birth of our twelfth Imam.

4. The proofs that the Present Imam is the son of Imam Hasan al-‘Askari.

5. The important events of the lesser occultation.

6. The causes of occultation.

7. Is it possible for a man to live for over thousand years?

8. The teachings and message of the Present Imam for his Shi‘ahs.

9. The signs which are to appear before the appearance of Imam Mahdi.

10. Studing the ahadith describing the appearance of Imam Mahdi.

11. Is the Imam aware of, and in connect with, his people?

12. If his presence is felt in the Shi‘ah community, then what is the nature of his presence?

13. The proofs of the imamat of our twelfth Imam.

14. Is it possible for an Imam to guide his community while he is in occultation?

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