Filled with the Holy Spirit - #2 ~ Filled on Purpose!

11 months ago

Filled with the Holy Spirit - #2

Filled on Purpose!

Text: Luke 3,4, Acts 1:4-8, Ephesians 5:15-19

What does this text say is the will of God for us? To be FILLED WITH the Spirit.
Ver.18 The wording in the Greek implies this is not a one-time event, but an ongoing filling.

Acts 1:4-8
Ver.8 “come upon” is the same Greek wording Gabriel used to explain to Mary how she would become pregnant.
Lu 1:35 “And the angel answered and said to her, "The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you; therefore, also, that Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God.”
The result of being filled with the Holy Spirit is an overflow of Jesus in my life.
What does that mean?

How do you know you are filled?
Water Illustration. There is no question you are full when there is an overflow.

“Fullness is measured by overflow not by what you contain.” – Quote by Bill Johnson.

Part of the problem of the church is that many are living off the memory of what happened before. Nothing fresh.
We just live off the memory of years gone by.

In 2 Kin.6, there was a major famine in Samaria, and there was also an army surrounding the city, so people couldn’t go forage for food. Food was so scares, that ver.25 says: “..donkey's head was sold for 80 shekels of silver, and
one-fourth of a kab (about 1 pint) of dove’s dung for five shekels of silver.”

I think “dove’s dung” represents what you have left after the dove has left – after the Holy Spirit has moved on. Just a memory of a good time with God.

Leviticus 6 God lit a fire for the altar, but it was the responsibility of the priests to keep the fire going.
If the fire went out, was it God was it because of God or the Priests?
Somebody needs to keep putting flammable material on the altar.
That's one of the reasons why the Bible says we are a living sacrifice.

What's the problem of a living sacrifice? I have a choice.
I view the purposes of God for my life to be optional – it they fit into my already full and busy schedule.

It is TOTALLY possible to do church without God being present.
In 1Sam.4 when the Philistines captured the Ark of the Covenant? The whole time the Ark was gone from the tabernacle, the Priests kept the rituals going. Having church without the presence of God.

Is Eph.5:18 “…be filled with the Spirit…” a command or an optional suggestion from God for me?
Why do I NEED the Baptism in the Holy Spirit? To have great worship on Sunday mornings? To feel better about myself?

Why did the 1st church need Him?
Just a reminder – Jesus said, don’t go until….. You receive the Holy Spirit.

Why? Acts 1:8 "But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses…”

It is interesting to me that even Jesus needed to be filled with the Holy Spirit before He started His ministry.
Lk.3:21-22, 4:1, 14
Jesus’ ministry began after the Holy Spirit descended on Him.

What does this have to do with you and me?
If Jesus needed the Holy Spirit to come upon, or fill Him, how much more do I need the Holy Spirit to fill me?

There is a GOD Purpose for me to be filled with the Holly Spirit.
Live life on that Purpose.
Don’t just life happen, but live life on purpose.

Before next Sunday, study Acts 2,4,8,9,10,19.
Look at the different ways the Bible gives for when people encountered the Holy Spirit’s filling.

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