Who are 'the least of these'? Matthew 25

8 months ago

The Son of Man Will Judge the Nations

Matthew 25:31-46

Jesus reveals an event in which a King returns with his holy angels. This event speaks
directly about Himself, and He will gather the Nations to judge them. He puts some
Nations on the left and some on the right; the ones on the right-hand side are the
Sheep and the ones on the left are the Goats. The judgment through which He judges
them is based on how they treated the subjects of His Kingdom. He calls these
individuals the "least of these." Therefore, God takes into high account the way we
treat the less fortunate who are part of His Kingdom.

The Kingdom of God is a Kingdom of Giving:
The Bible says that it's more blessed to give than to receive (Acts 20:35), and it also
mentions that, from everyone who has been given much, much will be required (Luke

There are many individuals who are part of God's Kingdom that are in need. God has
created a system within this Kingdom where there is a flowing out of resources. He
blesses some to support and facilitate the needs of others. This system causes His
Kingdom to continue to advance and for God to receive the glory because the needs of
the subjects of His Kingdom are met. The ideal way this works would be for God to do
this through other citizens of His Kingdom. He moves through human beings on behalf
of others. When you operate with this kind of system of giving and receiving, and
taking care of the less fortunate who are part of the Kingdom, other people from the
world see the cohesiveness of the Kingdom of Heaven and desire to be a part of it.
Therefore, it has a multi-functional component to it:

Firstly, it allows the world to see how the Kingdom of God functions and how it
has a support system to facilitate the needs of others within the Kingdom,
without having to rely on the world’s governmental system.

Secondly, it demonstrates that the King has a government in place that
facilitates the needs of His subjects.

Acts: 4:32 – 5:2

Thirdly, it also allows everyday citizens of the Kingdom to receive the blessings
and rewards associated with taking care of the needs of others. The King allows
us to be partakers and participants of the blessings by giving us resources, and
in turn, we bless others who are less fortunate with those resources that we
have been blessed with (2 Corinthians 8 - Taking care of the needs of
other Churches).

The interesting part of this account that Jesus gives is that it seems as though those
who were the Sheep had no idea that they were doing these things unto Him. Hence,
it seems like these practices are natural practices for those who are the Sheep, the
participants, the members of His Kingdom. It becomes part of their nature to help the

Receiving Rewards:
Part of the rewards we receive will be based on what we do with our resources and
whether we've been faithful with them. As James mentions, there is undefiled religion
(James 1:27). There is a blessing that is received from the Father that holds eternal
significance. Jesus mentions that by taking care of those who are less fortunate and
are part of His Kingdom, we are doing it directly unto the Lord.
Unto the Lord:

We also remember what the Lord told the Apostle Paul at his conversion - He told him
that he was persecuting Jesus directly by persecuting his followers (Acts 9:5). So
when we are facilitating the needs of those who are less fortunate and are part of the
Kingdom, we are directly doing it unto the Lord.

Where You Give is Important:
We must be very careful where we give. We want to make sure that we are giving to a
ministry or organizations that are directly advancing the Kingdom, caring for those who
are the less fortunate, and operating with the right motivations and intentions.
We must be very prayerful when and where we give.

Foundation Home Fellowship

If you are new to believing in Christ or seeking to learn more about Christ, please don't hesitate to contact me. I would be happy to have a conversation with you.

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