Killjoy's Exploits: Operation Full Moon [Action 52 NES Game 10] (Full Run)

10 months ago

KEP-2H: This is as full a run as possible on the tenth game of the infamous original NES multicart of "Action 52". A land-based schmup where you control a technical [with a rotating cannon that always fires forward] blasting enemy gun turrets across eight almost identical levels...

...the reason why this isn't exactly a true full run is because due to an issue with the original game code, all known copies of this particular game freeze up halfway through Level 8. So it is best to treat this game as being won at the completion of Level 7 & consider Level 8 a sorta victory lap.

I used a Game Genie hacking cheat code for infinite energy [which you can discover for yourself at the start of this playthrough if you're observant].

The Killjoy: Mile Sipka

Remember My Advice: Don't Be a Masochist, Winners Use Cheats [But only in Single Player Games]

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