All around the world, unelected globalists are using the,

1 year ago

"man-made global warming" scam as a pretext to ban nitrogen fertiliser, without which global food yields would half—a situation that has recently played out in Sri Lanka, with catastrophic results—as detailed in a must-watch new documentary titled 'No Farmers, No Food: Will You Eat The Bugs?'
Watch the full documentary:
Also watch this:
The Dimming, Full Length Climate Engineering Documentary ( Geoengineering Watch )
About the photo:
The junk food industry used "science" to blame overweight people for obesity, when it was sugar the whole time, and GMO sugar like high fructose corn syrup which does NOT get metabolized in our system properly.
Never forget that Pfizer paid the largest fine in history for lying about their drugs.
Detox your body from drugs and matrix foods, make sure to get your mercury fillings removed ASAP. It's leeching poisonous mercury into your blood stream.
If God didn't make it, then don't freaking eat it. Stay away from matrix food.
Join: Hidden Truth (

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