How to Prep for War

1 year ago

With the turmoil in the Middle East between Hamas, Israel, and others, some are concerned about the outbreak of World War Three. Daisy Luther, the webmaster of the 'Organic Prepper' site, posted an article on October 27, 2023 titled 'How I’m Prepping for War' where she explains reasons people would want to prepare by storing food, medicines, and gold before WWIII can break out, based upon what happened in WWII as well as current official US government policy.The 'Wall Street Journal' reported that there has been a substantial increase in "doomsday preppers" in the USA since 2020. Are the weapons of Christian warfare carnal or spiritual? Should Christians stockpile anything or just rely on the Lord? What did Jesus say the focus for Christians should be? Will preppers who head to the mountains be safe according to the Bible? What about the "seven last plagues" of Revelation 16? Will most Christians not be protected during the coming Great Tribulation? Who is the group of Christians that Jesus promised to protect from the coming "hour of trial'? Is putting confidence in God and striving to live as a Philadelphian Christian the only real prepping solution? Dr. Thiel and Steve Dupuie address these matters.

A written article of related interest is available titled 'OP: How I’m Prepping for War; ZH: Doomsday Prepping Is Trendy All Of A Sudden' URL:

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