(3) Temporal Nodes and Temporal Fractures

1 year ago

Chapter 3: Temporal Nodes and Temporal Fractures

It has been said that you cannot remove the darkness, but you can only fit it with light. You cannot remove a hole, but you can only fill it. You cannot torture the evil out of a person, but rather you can only love them and nurture goodness into them. You cannot criticize the mistakes out of a person, but rather you can model for them a more beneficial alternative. I’ve often heard the following hypothetical question, “If you could go back in time and kill Hitler when he was a baby, would you?”. If you killed Hitler as a baby, you would be just as immoral as he was. You cannot conquer darkness with darkness because you end up creating a worse monster than you started out with; the solution is worse than the problem when you try to combat evil with evil. The timeline where Hitler is aborted as a baby is even worse than our own timeline. It is the timeline where someone mentors Hitler as a child, teaches him morality, and instills virtue and goodness into him that is the timeline better than our own timeline. However, someone sinned just one small (seemingly insignificant) sin that caused a butterfly effect, which fractured the timeline into one where Hitler was not taught morality and was not instilled with virtue and goodness by the would-be mentor. It is a temporal node that the nation of Israel would be re-established. However, (on certain timelines) there was an easier way for it to have been re-established. On other timelines, there were harder ways for it to have been re-established. The Holocaust was one of the harder ways for the nation of Israel to be re-established.

Time is not linear, but rather nodal. What I mean by this is that there are certain key events in the past, present, and future that are already fixed (which we call nodes). No time-traveler (and nothing in heaven nor on earth) can change these nodes. Everything changes as vibrations or undulations due to choices around these nodes. There are macroscopic temporal nodes for the rise and fall of kingdoms (some of which are recorded in the Bible). There are also microscopic temporal nodes for predestined events in a person’s life. The temporal nodes in a person’s life mark his or her destiny, but he or she can choose to achieve that destiny in a good way or a bad way. I like to think that everyone was shown some nodes in his or her life on earth before he or she choose what life on earth to live. I wonder how much our subconscious minds and brains know, which is veiled to our conscious minds as our souls experience time in a linear fashion. Our subconscious minds and brains take future memories of nodes into account in the decision making processes to make free-will choices. Our subconscious minds and brains process potential choices involving temporal nodes when we are sleeping. Only occasionally does our conscious souls experience and remember those dreams. In our dreams we sometimes see nodes of future memories, but we are unable to put them in context until we get the Déjà vu feeling. In our dreams, we sometimes see alternative timelines from choices we could potentially make. In our dreams, we sometimes see symbolic abstractions of potential future events. When making a big decision, they always say you should sleep on it. In my dreams, I have occasionally seen some nodes of future memories. When I reach those nodes, they often occurred in ways I didn’t expect (sometimes for better and sometimes for worse).

The best timeline to be on is the one where there is no sin. Every time someone chooses to sin, it fractures the timeline to a worse timeline with more evil in it. It is impossible to sin (doing something evil) in order to achieve a good outcome. You might locally create the desired outcome, but there will be side-effects that are worse than the original problem ever was. It might take a while for those side-effects to catch up with you, but it is too late by the time they do. The Serpent always tries to tempt you to sin to achieve a short-sided outcome (knowing that the side-effects will destroy you in the long-run). The Creator reveals the best path (free from sin) where we can have life more abundantly. Everyone wants to blame someone else for the temporal fractures that multiply evil (resulting in suffering and death). People blame Adam, he blames Eve, she blames the Serpent, and the Serpent blames the Creator for giving us the free-will to have the ability to choose to sin.

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