Rahan. Episode 45. The hunters of the lightning. by Roger Lecureux. A Puke (TM) Comic.

1 year ago


Episode Forty Five.

The hunters of the lightning.

The volcano thundered once again and the glowing lava flowed slowly down its sides..

This is how the blue mountain vomited its entrails of fire a long time ago!

Rahan had never forgotten that horrible day in his childhood when the torrents of fire had decimated his entire horde and.

Made him, the son of Crao-the-wise, of Crao-the-brave, the only clan survivor of Blue Mountain.
Rahan curses the hollow mountains and their anger!

Page Two.

He was about to abandon his refuge when cries arose not far from him.
The cries of joy.
He glimpsed men rushing towards the volcano

All brandished branches and shields as well.
The gods have heard Trao! They bring us fire!!

Using the path of the "People of the Trees", Rahan, very intrigued, followed these strange hunters.

Slipping between the rocks, the men climb towards the incandescent rivulets.

Was Rahan having a bad nightmare?
Or had the hunters of this clan lost their minds.

Page Three.

What followed was fantastic.
The men went towards the flow of lava and, protecting themselves from the intense heat, plunged their branches into it.

As soon as they ignited, they screamed with joy and fled the torrent of fire.
The clan will be able to chase away the darkness this night!

Why sacrifice yourself like this, when it is easy to make fire spring from the “Stones-that-throw-stars”!

A man had just fallen.
The thick and incandescent wave overwhelmed him.

Another hunter stumbled.
His head hit a rock and he remained unconscious without the clan caring about him.
Rahan won't let the fire devour him.

Page Four.

The son of Crao rushed towards the man who was groaning under the flat stone which was crushing his legs.
The incandescent wave was approaching closer.
Rahan will save you!

As the stone was heavy, he used a branch to lift it enough to free the hunter.
Stand up! Run away! Run away!

The unfortunate man had a broken leg, and Rahan had to carry him to flee towards the forest.
The lava wave flowed only slowly.

It seeped between the rocks in thin rivulets, which will soon die out.

A little latter.
Why did you risk your life to save Ganouk's?
Rahan does not like to see "Those-Who-Walk-Upright" die stupidly!

Page Five.

Ganouk will never walk upright again!
Rahan has already healed wounded hunters like Ganouk!

The son of Crao firmly ligated his tibia.
Moons and moons will pass, but Ganouk will be able to stand up again!

But Ganouk will no longer be able to hunt!
Trao will force him to constantly monitor the sacred fire of the clan!
Who is Trao? Your wizard? Your Chief?

Trao is a chief and a wizard!
Only he knows how to understand the signs of the clouds!
Only he knows when fire from heaven will fall!

Ganouk spoke of his clan.
He spoke of Trao who knew how to command the clouds and trigger thunder.
The gods send us their gifts!
Let my brothers run to chase the fireballs!

Page Six.

It was common in these fierce times that men who did not know how to make fire had to steal it from lightning trees.

And Trao made his people “Lightning Hunters”!
And he does not hesitate to let them face the fire of the thundering mountains.

When Ganouk can walk, he will lead Rahan to his clan.
Rahan will teach him how to make a fire without risking entering the territory of shadows!

Several days passed.
The son of Crao hunted for himself and his companion.

And Ganouk, amazed, witnessed the miracle of fire emerging from colliding flint.
Trao will never believe Ganouk!
He will accuse Rahan of being an evil demon!

Page Seven.

It was while returning from hunting one morning that Rahan saw the tracks of the saber-toothed tiger.
The “Gorak” will devour Ganouk!!

If Rahan does not arrive in time, Ganouk is lost!
The tracks were heading in fact towards the clearing where his companion was still paralyzed.

Rahan launched himself into the vines.
The "Four-Hands", amazed, saw him flying from branch to branch almost as agilely as they.

A moment later, surprise froze him.
Surprise made of joy and worry.
Courage Ganouk, courage!

Joy, because his companion, in the face of danger, had found the strength to stand up!
Worry because Ganouk, disarmed, was at the mercy of the big beast.

Page Eight.

Never had a fight been so short!
Letting himself fall on the monster's spine, Rahan struck, and struck again!

And the tiger collapsed, its long teeth curiously stuck in the ground.
Rahan had Triumphed!
His victory is less than that of Ganouk!

Who conquered his wounds.
Ganouk knew how to win!
Ganouk is standing again! Tomorrow he will find his clan!

At sunrise, the two men set off.
They walked for a long time because Rahan had to support his still limping companion.

Some caves finally appeared.
A large fire illuminated one of them.
It is in this cave that the clan preserves the sacred fire.
Only Trao and mutilated hunters are allowed to go there.

Page Nine.

If Ganouk does not regain his former agility, this is where he will end his days!
Rahan will oppose him!

“Fire Hair” saved Ganouk on the “Thunder Mountain.”

Then he healed his broken leg! Then he snatched him from the clutches of a “Gorak”!
But Rahan also knows a wonderful secret!

He knows how to create fire with these stones for which so many of our hunters left for the “Territory of Shadows.”

The chief of the clan, emerging from the cave, looked angrily at the son of Crao.
Ganouk uses the words of evil spirits!
Trao alone, your leader, knows how to guide you or make fall the sky fire!

Page Ten.

Rahan knew how to stay calm.
I am Rahan, the son of Crao!
If your name resembles that of my father, you have none of his wisdom!

Crao also knew how to see the approach of thunder in the clouds.
He too could have sent his brothers to capture the “balls of fire” falling from the sky.

But Crao preferred to create the fire without risking the lives of his people!
The anger of the leader of the lightning hunters became rage.

Let this demon be silent!
May he perish in the cave of evil spirits!
The circle of hunters immediately closed in on Rahan.

Who was overcome by the most powerful and vigorous of them.
Ha-ha-ha! You will die like all those who dared to challenge the authority of Trao!

Page Eleven.

Stunned, Rahan was thrown into one of the three caves.
Ten hunters then blocked the entrance with a huge rock.

Ganouk was pushed into the one where mutilated men tirelessly fueled a large fire.

The son of Crao regained his senses.
The gaps that let the light through were far too narrow to allow him to escape.

And it would take ten men stronger than Rahan to push back this accursed rock!

The Cave was vast.
The ground was littered with stones, tree trunks and a few skeletons.
They died of cold or starvation!
And Trao reserves the same fate for Rahan!

Page Twelve.

But Rahan will not go to the “Territory of Shadows”!
He, Oh!

A swarm of bats burst from the depths of the cavern.

Arming himself with a long branch, the son of Crao repelled their attack.

The birds of darkness fear the light.
Since Rahan cannot let daylight in, he will make a fire!

The bats, in fact, took refuge in their dark lair as soon as the flames rose from the crackling branches.

Clamors arose when the lightning hunters caught a glimpse, through the gaps, of the glow of this fire.
Ganouk did not lie!
The demon man knows how to make fire!

Page Thirteen.

The sky suddenly darkened and torrential rain fell.
And for a moment, countless streams.
Converged towards the cave where the sacred fire was kept.

The sheet of water spread there and, despite the efforts of its guardians, extinguished the flames.

Trao shouted and raged, and pointed to the sky that crackled with lightning.
It was the arrival of the demon-man that provoked the anger of the clouds!

Lightning struck beyond the great river, setting fire to a clump of trees.
Let my brothers go hunting!
Let them bring back here the fire falling from the sky!

The son of Crao saw all the able-bodied men rushing towards the river.
This is a good time to escape from the clan!
But how could Rahan push this rock?

Page Fourteen.

Rahan felt the prongs of his collar.
That of “Tenacity”.
The one of "Trust".
And suddenly.

Rahan was able to lift the stone that was crushing Ganouk with a branch!
Why can he not push aside this rock with a stronger branch?

Did the son of Crao invent, in these fierce times, the effective lever system?
The fact is, that a moment later, he placed under the rock a long and solid trunk.

Ten times, twenty times, with all his weight, he shook this trunk.
And the enormous rock moved, and then moved again.

Slowly pushed back, it finally left a passage through which Rahan could escape.

Page Fifteen.

When he slipped out of the cave, the rain had stopped falling.
The plateau was deserted and no one could have prevented his escape.

But he did not think for a moment about himself.
Rahan will not leave the territory without having convinced Trao, even if he has to use force.

In the nearby cave where the water had smothered the fire, the sorcerer threatened his men.
For letting the fire die, you will be banished!

As for you who brought back the demon man, you will die immediately!
Trao, ranting at Ganouk, brandished his long spear.

But he did not have.
Time to project it. The son of Crao grasped him.
If Trao does not drop his weapon, he will be the one to go into shadow territory!

Page Sixteen.

Dumbfounded, Trao obeyed.
How had the captive escaped?
How had he pushed back a rock that only ten vigorous hunters could move?

Rahan will not steal your life!
But he will make you suffer the fate you reserved for him!
Rahan led the leader towards the cave of bats.

Help Rahan move this rock!
Ganouk and his companions saw him push Trao into it.

We will liberate Trao when he admits that he abused you!
A moment later, everyone heaved, once again blocking the entrance to the cave.

How many men in your clan have died while hunting lightning?
How many will return from this hunt where Trao sent them?

Page Seventeen.

Rahan is right!
Ganouk has lived with him for days and he knows that fire can be born from “Stones-that-throw-stars”!

When Trao admits this, our people will no longer have to defy death!
The clan will live happily!

As clamors rose from the side of the river, the son of Crao abandoned the mutilated men.
Your brothers are coming back. Maybe they need Rahan!

Leaping through the thickets, he arrived very quickly on the bank.
Brandishing flaming branches the “Lightning Hunters” were passing back across the river.

But they had to resist the impetuous current.
And Rahan, helpless, saw the flood swallow up several of them.
This is what it costs to go looking far away for fire falling from the sky!

Page Eighteen.

These men had led such a race, made such efforts.

That the son of the Crao had to help them climb onto the bank.

Exhausted, and panting, they did not even react when the large crocodile sprung from the reeds.
Back, wood-skin!

Seizing the flaming branch of a hunter, Rahan plunged it into the gaping maw of the saurian.

The monster immediately disappeared into the tall tufts of rushes.
Why are you here? Has Trao granted you his pardon?

No! Rahan freed himself! And he locked Trao in the cave!
Fearing the reaction of these men, Rahan clutched at his ivory knife.

Page Nineteen.

But he did not have to draw it.
Three hunters died on the “Mountain-that-thunders”.
As many were swallowed up by the river!

We should have believed Ganouk who swore that you could make fire come from stones!
Trao deceived us and we will kill him!

The men, angry, threw their torches into the river.
You will not kill Trao, because he did not know the secret of fire!

“Those-who-walk-upright” have no right to kill those who do not know certain things!
They have to convince them!

The “Lightning Hunters” did not have to convince their leader.
Freed by Ganouk and his companions, Trao brandished two flints.
A fire lit up the cave.
Trao wanted to know!
As Ganouk and Rahan said, he struck these stones.

Page Twenty.

And the stones we throw the stars which set the branches on fire!
Trao was crazy to send his brothers to look for fire beyond the hills!

Trao is no longer worthy of remaining your leader!
For what? If Rahan revealed to us the secret of fire, he also said.

That ignorance is not a crime!
Since your eyes have been opened to the truth, you will remain the leader!
The clan demands it!

If the son of Crao stayed away it was because he never intervened when "Those Who Walk Upright" decide their destiny.

But he was happy to see Trao come to him, arms fraternally outstretched.
He waited for the hug, while the clamors of those who would no longer die chasing the fire drowned out the thunder of a distant volcano.


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