Offroad Drive: "Ascending Log Cabin Mine Road"

10 months ago

This is just the drive that sets up and prepares you for my next video. Please note the length of this video (almost 18 minutes) and the next video (almost 23 minutes) are the longest I have done. This video I do not care as much about as the next one which is the "payoff" video. But, you might want to wait until you have the "right time" to watch it all at once after I upload it on Halloween.

I do have the "Offroad Drive: Descending..." which I will link as unlisted after Halloween. It is sort of a "throw a way video" I did. All unlisted videos I do are alternative videos or additional supplemental videos I do not care too much about, but I like to put them up once in while as an extra. Someone out there might have an interest in them. As an aside, the drive up, the next video, and the descent video make up about an hour of video! A few years ago I never thought I would do videos that long!

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