Labour Councillors and MPs Demand Keir Starmer Backs a Ceasefire in Gaza

10 months ago

The Labour party faces an internal revolt over Keir Starmer’s positioning on Gaza, as the Palestinian strip continues to face an Israeli blockade on most water, fuel, electricity and food supplies. Starmer has so far resisted calling for a ceasefire, leading a significant number of its MPs to challenge the official position. In an LBC interview shortly after the Hamas attacks, Sir Keir told presenter Nick Ferrari that Israel “has the right” to withhold power and water from Gaza. He subsequent attempted to ‘clarify’ his comments and call for humanitarian aid to be allowed in. But the Labour leader’s comments triggered a backlash among some in the party. The party is witnessing a growing number of resignations from councillors, with at least 25 quitting the party over the issue. Resignations in Oxford have led the party to lose its majority on the council. Momentum, the grassroots left-wing campaign group that backed Jeremy Corbyn, has confirmed that the tally of Labour MPs supporting a ceasefire stands at 40, including figures like moderate Stella Creasy, plus former leader Jeremy Corbyn and suspended MP Diane Abbott. Over 80 MPs from various parties have now backed left-winger Richard Burgon MP’s parliamentary petition (EDM) backing a halt to the conflict.

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