When You Realize You Could’ve Gotten a Ticket But Now You’re Going to Jail

1 year ago

► Sonoran Desert Institute
Learn more today at https://www.sdi.edu/code-blue-cam/

On February 24, 2023, a female driver evaded an officer who had pulled her over for not wearing a seatbelt in La Crosse, WI. She fled on foot into her house but later exited following a period of de-escalation. The officer found that her driver's license was revoked, and she was on probation and had four misdemeanor bonds. She soon realized that she could have received a simple traffic citation, but her decision to run has now resulted in her going to jail.

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Narrated by Brian Buckley

0:00 - Intro
1:12 - Sponsor
1:49 - De-escalation
11:19 - Finally
15:47 - Arrest
17:03 - Jail
20:47 - Conclusion

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