Ignition System Upgrades For 2007 Mercury 225 Optimax! #ignitioncoil #mercuryoutboards #sparkplug

1 year ago

In this episode, I installed new spark plugs and tested the ignition coils on the Mercury 225 Optimax. I definitely learned a lot on this project! After testing the six coils, I discovered one of the coils was NOT within “ohm resistance” specifications. This could have caused an intermittent loss of power on that particular cylinder. We’ll see how it runs on the water the next time out and go from there! Stay tuned! Enjoy!


Hawk’s merch available now at: https://www.ebay.com/usr/hooksethawk

HawksDIY on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@HawksDIY

NGK IZFR5G Iridium Spark Plug: https://shop.advanceautoparts.com/p/ngk-laser-iridium-spark-plug-izfr5g-5887/18090216-P

Mercury OEM Ignition Coil: https://www.boats.net/product/mercury/8M0077473?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIkNWk36WNggMVvkxHAR3kwQXKEAQYAiABEgJ36vD_BwE

Hawkeye Marine: https://www.youtube.com/@hawkeyemarine

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