Feb 8, 2011 🎺 Pride goes before a Fall and it has opened the Door for the deceiving Spirits

8 months ago

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Final Warnings from Jesus... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/2019/11/15/warnungen-von-gott-jesus-jehova-zebaoth-warnings-from-god-jesus-jehovah-zebaoth/
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Source... Official Website in englisch... http://www.trumpetcallofgodonline.com

Pride goes before a Fall... Pride has opened the Door for the deceiving Spirits

February 8, 2011 – From The Lord, Our God and Savior – The Word of The Lord spoken to Timothy during an Online Fellowship, for the Lord’s little Flock, and for all Those who have Ears to hear

Thus says The Lord... Why do you wane in the heat of persecution, little flock? And how is it you are taken aback, when one is led away from the truth, while walking in disobedience?… Has not the pride of men revealed such things?… Where is your trust?!

Or have you forgotten the knowledge of God in which I have taught you, and that which I had put on open display, even of that which is placed before the eyes of this foolish and deceitfully wicked generation?!… I AM THE LORD!

Your brother remains My son, and I shall indeed go out after him… Severely punishing ALL who lead My people astray, even with sickness and death. Yet I tell you this truth, which not one of you have understood: Did I not offer your brother his calling, and give him much correction, as a good father does with his son?… Yet My sons are grown, and they must choose to obey.

And what shall I do, when My sons choose to go their own way, running far away from Me, to squander that which I had given them?… I shall let them go, I shall let them run far away, I shall let them do all they have purposed in their mind to do… Until they can run no further…

Standing still with chests heaving, with all these bitter deceits wearing them out, with their pride weighing them down heavily… Until which time they fall hard upon the ground, consuming dust for their food and sour wine for their drink. Then shall they stop and consider, turning back to look… And there will I be standing, waiting for them, yet only as a small dot on the now distant horizon.

Now hear and understand… The moment pride enters a man, and the moment he stands in front of Me to look elsewhere, is the same moment My hand is removed. For I have shown you, My servants, what is good and that which I require: That you should do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God.

Yet how can one behold My face while looking elsewhere, seeking glory for themselves? And how can one who has stepped in front of Me walk in My footsteps?… Beloved, how shall one who runs away from Me, to tread another path, take My hand?

Therefore, I will indeed go out after them, for they have been led astray… With their pride leaving the door wide open to seducing spirits and the lying tongues of men in authority. And so they must first greatly stumble, and be brought to the ground, falling hard with their wind knocked out of them… With the revelation of their error filling their mind, as lightning spreading forth across a darkened sky… Their heart skipping a beat in their thudding chest.

Then, when they cry aloud, and shout My name in true repentance… Watch how fast I rush in! Behold, I shall come upon them quickly, closing the distance in an instant… Crossing this tremendous gulf, which they themselves had fixed between us…

Lo, I shall breathe upon them, and they shall drink Me in! And never again shall they depart from Me, from that time onward and forever! For I am The Lord who reigns!… The Lord who gives and takes away, according to that revealed in the hearts of men… The Lord who exalts and abases… YAHUWAH who causes to be, He who also causes to cease!…

Yes, I am YahuShua, who is mighty to save!… THE RESTORATION OF ALL THINGS!… He, by which all things consist and have life… The only Lord of Hosts… YAHUWAH YIREH!… YAHUWAH TZVA’OT!

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