Both Hamas and the CCP use civilians as human shields

8 months ago

10/28/2023 【Infiltration Files - LFA TV】Ava: Hamas’ headquarters is located beneath a Gaza hospital, which is exactly the same as what Miles Guo disclosed that the CCP has wickedly set up their military facilities underneath hospitals, kindergartens, and other densely populated places! Hamas uses civilians as human shields so that they can condemn Israeli attacks on its civilians. These are the tactics that have been used time and time and again by terrorist groups, and we must see through their plots!
#Hamas #Gaza #CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
10/28/2023 【渗透档案】莘7女孩: 哈马斯总部设在加沙的一家医院地下,这与文贵先生2022年爆出的中共把军事设施建在医院、幼儿园等人口密集的地方的邪恶做法毫无二致!哈马斯将平民作为肉盾,以借此谴责以色列对其平民的袭击。这些都是恐怖组织一再使用的伎俩,我们必须看穿他们的阴谋!
#哈马斯 #加沙 #中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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