Letting Go of Those You Love ...Yes it can be heartbreaking!

8 months ago

Sometimes we have to let go of those we truly loved/love, emotionally and/or physically. This isn't easy and for me it's been extremely hard, but this is something even the Lord speaks of.

Truth is many don't love you or never have, many lie and love has grown cold out there in these days. You do not know what real love is until you have Jesus. That doesn't mean you stop loving though, you can pray for them, but boundaries are very important and WISE! Or they will just keep using and hurting you because so many never turn to the Lord! Stuck in the same patterns and dragging you along with.

Love yourself enough to let them leave (or maybe you gotta walk away)! If they play with the evil one and he hates you, best believe they have feelings of hate towards you without even knowing why! Again keep praying but protect yourself as well. DUST YOUR FEET OFF when you need to!

Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/7Zdd2w6aAob4/

Youtube: TheRemnant111

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