NT Framework 22: The Life of the King

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SBC Family,

Tomorrow we are moving from the Birth of the King to the Life of the King. These are quick glimpses, so we can look at the event, the responses to the event, and then the doctrines. Jesus was not liked by the establishment. But the problem wasn't Jesus, the problem was the establishment. We want to look at how Jesus did things that socially disturbed the Pharisees, how He interpreted Moses and the Prophets differently than the Pharisees, and how He spoke on His own self-authenticating authority. None of these things set well with the Pharisees, but it was not His fault. They were not ready to receive their King. They didn't even recognize Him. It is one of the most colossal failures in the history of the world. I don't think many in Christianity would recognize Him if He came again today, so the church hasn't done any better. Jesus is too caricatured in our day to even preach Him clearly in most cases. His responses, His actions, are just too out of the box for people. They have a WWJD mentality in their vacuous religion. I wish people would actually read the Bible without being biased by their upbringing and religious indoctrination. They would come away with a very different view.

See the handout, and see you tomorrow!

Much love,



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