Liberty Live Stream with Grant “Prezence” Ellman

8 months ago

Join us for an electrifying live stream event that's just a glimpse of the transformative weekend awaiting you in Sedona this November. "Liberty on the Rocks" is a one-of-a-kind event where liberty, art, and consciousness intersect amidst the breathtaking beauty of the Sedona red rocks. The live stream will feature Etienne de la Boetie2, author of "Government – The Biggest Scam in History... Exposed!" He'll delve into the essence of liberty, expose the government's scams, and provide insights from the Art of Liberty Foundation.

In addition, the stage will be graced by the multi-talented Grant 'Prezence' Ellman, a Sedona native and accomplished musician. Grant's recent truth-bomb "Scam" made waves but was swiftly censored, and he collaborated with luminaries like Dicky Barrett and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Get ready to explore liberty, art, consciousness, and the power of music.

This live stream is your sneak peek into the "Liberty on the Rocks" event, a weekend dedicated to awakening your senses, challenging your perspectives, and reinvigorating your passion for freedom. Don't miss this opportunity to get a taste of what Sedona's enchanting landscape and this event have in store for you. Elevate your consciousness, challenge the status quo, and rekindle your passion for liberty. Mark your calendars for the live stream and prepare to be inspired on Humankind.

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