The Mad Tweeter In the High House #DonaldTrump #JoeBiden #KamalaHarris

8 months ago

Welcome to Mostly Ghostly, where the spirits roam and the scares come alive! 👻🏰 In our haunted abode, we've conjured up "The Mad Tweeter in the High House" – a spine-tingling tale spun with a ghostly twist on the world's political specter. Amidst the eerie whispers and ghostly giggles, we've dared to explore the chilling corridors of politics, all while keeping our signature ghostly charm intact! Join us on this spectral journey, where ghouls meet geopolitics in a hair-raising blend of satire and spookiness. Get ready to be thrilled, amused, and thoroughly haunted! 👻🎩✨

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