We are All One! The Nature of Atman, the True Self

8 months ago

Non-duality and Enlightenment reveals to us that we are all One and that there is only God. To realise this means the End of War, Separation, Suffering and all Fear. In this video I am offering a direct Guidance and Affirmation of the Truth that we are. I hope it will fill your heart with joy and love. Julia ♥If you find this content valuable, please like, share and subscribe.Non Duality Non-Duality Satsang Absolute Awareness Nisargadatta Maharaj Mooji Great Consciousness Rupert Spira Eckhart Tolle Ramana Maharshi Francis Lucille self inquiry emptiness non-dual oneness emptinessshorts You-TubeContact: yogafreedombliss@gmail.comIs this world an Illusion?Is Spiritual Awakening Predestined?: https://youtu.be/FPx7H6uEb5gAll Suffering is an Opportunity for Awakening: https://youtu.be/J8v5ZW0RRe4Your Awakening is Your Greatest Gift to this World: https://youtu.be/pAWVjon8ztA2 Interesting Facts about Non Duality: https://youtu.be/1Fby5lV0IJw

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