"The Attack On Motherhood" by Monte Ginnings

1 year ago

America Beautiful No More!

The family is under attack in America.

Unfortunately, the Communists, Marxists, Zionists, Globalists (all synonymous and working together to destroy America), have taken control over our nation. A small group of people have duped hundreds-of-millions. That is the incredible power of the wicked mainstream newsmedia. People are glued to their televisions like a life-support system. “Tell me what to believe” they cry out. The human mind is easily manipulated to follow group mentality (herd mentality). Most people are moral cowards and are afraid to go against the common consensus. That's why many people go to Hell, choosing to disobey God rather than offend their family traditions and friends. Over one billion Muslims all reject Christ in the Islam religion. They are all going to Hell forever, by their own choice. The Bible says that Jesus is the Messiah and the only way to eternal life (John 14:6; Acts 4:10-12; Galatians 3:26; Ephesians 2:8-9; Genesis 15:6; Isaiah 45:22).

It is a shame what American culture has deteriorated into. God never intended for families to crowd together in housing projects like Cabrini Green and The Robert Taylor project in Chicago. It's all ghettos, crime and a horrible way to survive. That's not living! I grew up in Chicago in Logan Square, back in the 1970's when it was a nice area. Today it's all gangs and foreigners, illegals with housing projects, section 8 and crime unbelievable. When I moved away in 2004 there were decapitations, shootings, gangs, drugs and every form of crime imaginable increasing. Fences went up all over. When I was a kid, no one had fences. A drive-by-shooting was unheard of, except back in the 1920's during the gangster era.

Today, every major and mid-sized city in America has a serious problem with drugs, gangs, murders, prostitution, poverty and drive-by-shootings. This is all deliberate, caused by evil men behind the Communist subversion of America. In a thousand ways our nation has been under attack for the past century. That's what my website is here for, that is, to wake people up and educate them concerning many of these evils. Every Christian ought to fight against evil as Ephesians 5:11 commands.

A Mother's Duty Is To Her Husband First And Then Her Children

A woman's main duty is to her husband, not the children. God created Eve as a helpmeet for Adam (Genesis 2:18), not as a babysitter for the children. God creates a woman to help her husband, to protect his heart, to love him and encourage him when he is sad and lonely. A wife who divorces her husband has totally failed at her sole purpose in life. She is a failure and will give account in eternity for abandoning her post. Remarriage is the horrible sin of adultery (Matthew 5:32; 1st Corinthians 7:10-11; Matthew 19:8; Jeremiah 3:20; Hebrews 13:4-5).

Many women put her children first, and so when the children are grown she is divorced, a failure in life. I'm tired of quitters in this backwards, characterless and spoiled-brat generation of ingrates and complainers. And God is too I assure you. People are turning away from the inspired King James Bible at lightning speeds, adopting the New International Version (NIV) which was translated by flaming homosexuals. Whereas the King James Bible speaks with authority as it should, the NIV is emasculated and is for wimps, transgendered sissies and cowards. God's man speaks with authority from an authoritative Book authored by an authoritative God. This sinful generation has a serious problem with authority.

Feminism is rebellion against the God-ordained authority of husbands and fathers in the home and marriage. People won't stomach an authoritative preacher in the pulpit these days. Instead they have an apostate pulpit committee pulling some puppet's strings, only allowing men with no gonads or some false prophetess into their church's pulpit. It is apostasy!!! Jesus foretold that in the End Times, the world would once again become wicked and apostate as in the days of Noah (Matthew 24:37-39). Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

It is a shame that many children today are growing up on less than nutritious diets because mom is too busy to cook decent meals. With all the processed foods, should it be surprising that so many children are malnourished and obese? Not at all! Genesis 6:4 says that man's days would be six score (that's 120 years old)! The Hunza people living up in the Himalayan Mountains are reportedly living to be well over 100 and even 120. So why do we Americans die at a MUCH younger age? (for many reasons: lack of proper vitamins and minerals, poisons in our foods, stress, pollution, lack of bodily exercise, fluoridation of water, harmful medicines, dangerous vaccinations, cigarettes, alcohol, etc). It's amazing to me that people live beyond 50.

It is a mother's duty to learn about these things and to safeguard her home. Every mother should be an expert on nutrition and health. If I were a mother, I would try to become an expert (as much as possible) in all areas relevant to my family. It doesn't take a lot of money to properly feed your family. Junk food is much more expensive. There is NO GREATER title or job in the world than that of being a wife and mother. Society today is totally backwards. Women who stay at home and guide the house (as God wants them to) are often labeled as being "slaves, weak or stupid."

On the contrary; they are obeying God's Word, the Bible. Any woman can apply for a job and work 9 to 5, but it takes a God-fearing woman to obey 1st Timothy 5:14. A mother needs to be at home with her children. A wife needs to prepare to meet her husband when he comes home tired from work. The house needs to be clean. If she is the proper kind of wife, her husband will be praised by others who notice her virtue and character (Proverb 31:23). A wife is to submit to her husband (1st Peter 3:1-5).

The true heroes in America are it's loyal hard-working mothers and wives who keep the home-fires burning! Phooey on the feminists who condemn the God-fearing mothers who stay at home to guide their homes, care for their children and love their husbands. America needs a revival of the importance of motherhood!!! It is appalling to know that so many parents entrust their children to strangers at some day-care center. Children belong at home. I believe that we as Christians need to step back for a moment and take a grave look at what's happening in America.

A Woman's Place Is Still In The Home

The big picture is ugly. It's bad enough that mother's are being forced into the workplace due to the lack of decent paying jobs for men, now career women aren't even having children anymore. I heard today on the news that the "morning after" birth control pill is now going to be made freely available for over-the-counter purchase all across America. Somebody is really working overtime to prevent women from having children. Is this just another further attempt by the globalist elite to implement population control? I have no doubt. Why do you think abortion is legal? Population control, of course. But they make women believe that it's all about women's RIGHTS.

And tens-of-millions of mothers fall right into the globalist's deceptive plot to reduce the population. I'll tell you right now, the rich people ruling this world could care less about your rights. If more mothers KNEW the truth, there would be a drastic reduction in abortions. It's not about women's rights, it's about population control. Do you really think God would allow his planet to become overpopulated? After all, it was God who told us to multiply and replenish the earth (Genesis 1:28). No, it is the paranoid and greedy world leaders that are worried (Luke 12:30). God tells us NOT to worry (Luke 12:29). God promises to meet our needs (Luke 12:31). Since foolish women are murdering their own babies, the rich don't have to do it for them. Chinese women weren't so compliant, so the government helped them out by ruthlessly murdering millions of children through FORCED abortions. Don't worry, it won't happen in America as long as millions of women keep killing their own children.

There is something very wrong with this whole picture. I mean, how stupid can the public be? Don't you understand, we've been fed a bunch of lies for decades about everything from the origin of AIDS to abortion. It's all about population control. Don't fall into the trap of the rich, you should have many children and follow God's command in Genesis 1:28 to "multiply." I believe in BIG families, the bigger the better. Newly married couples should plan on having 6 or more children. There is no better way for a Christian mother to fight the Devil, then to raise 6 to 10 God-fearing children! If people going through the Depression could raise a big family, so can people today. Don't let the agenda of the New World Order decide how many children you don't have. I am pro-family, and so is God.

You ladies who stay home and care for your family are to be greatly praised, thank you on behalf of America! May God bless you and multiply the fruit of your body for Jesus' sake.

“I will therefore that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully.” —1st Timothy 5:14

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