8 months ago

U.S. President Joe Biden has cast doubt over the number of Palestinians who have been killed by Israel since 7 October, despite the horrific scenes of death and destruction coming out of the Gaza Strip.

The Palestinian Health Ministry in Gaza said on 25 October that more than 700 Palestinians had been killed by Israeli air strikes in 24 hours, bringing the total number of Palestinian deaths to nearly 6,000.

According to media reports, a third of hospitals in Gaza are no longer functioning due to shortages of electricity, medicine and staff, and the shortage of clean water is now critical.

IDF Chief of Staff Lt Gen Herzi Halevi stated on Monday, "We want to bring Hamas to a state of full dismantling - its leaders, its military branch, and its working mechanisms. The path is a path of unrelenting attacks, damaging Hamas everywhere and in every way."

However, U.S. President Joe Biden isn't so swayed by the figures being reported by the Palestinian resistance. He casts no such doubt over Israeli death figures, however.

But as the president of a country with over 30 military bases in Africa, how "confident" should Africans be in Biden's "confidence" in colonized people's ability to self-report their own condition?

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