Republican Mike Johnson elected new US House Speaker - BBC News

7 months ago
News Ancient Civilizations Tags associated with Republican Mike Johnson typically pertain to his political career affiliations and key issues he supports. Mike Johnson is a U.S. Representative from Louisiana and a member of the Republican Party. Here are some common tags associated with him: 1. Mike Johnson: The simplest tag is his name which is used to identify him and his activities. 2. U.S. Representative: Mike Johnson serves as a Representative in the United States Congress. 3. Louisiana: He represents the state of Louisiana in Congress. 4. Republican Party: Mike Johnson is a member of the Republican Party and this affiliation is often highlighted in tags associated with his political positions and voting record. 5. Conservative: Johnson is known for his conservative political views and advocacy on various conservative issues. 6. Religious Freedom: He has been a strong advocate for religious freedom and is associated with this important issue. 7. Constitution: Tags related to the U.S. Constitution and its interpretation may be associated with his work as a legislator. 8. Judiciary Committee: Mike Johnson has been a member of the House Judiciary Committee which handles a wide range of legal and constitutional matters. 9. First Amendment: This tag relates to his advocacy for First Amendment rights including freedom of speech and religion. 10. Family Values: Johnson is often associated with promoting family values and conservative social policies. 11. Legal Issues: Tags related to legal and judicial matters may be associated with his work in Congress. 12. Pro-Life: He is known for his pro-life stance on abortion issues. These tags help identify and categorize Mike Johnson's activities and positions within the realm of American politics particularly within the Republican Party and as a U.S. Representative from Louisiana.

Mike Johnson has been elected Speaker of the House of Representatives, ending weeks of chaos and Republican infighting on Capitol Hill.

The conservative Louisiana lawmaker won with 220 votes in the lower chamber of Congress.

Mr Johnson is the fourth Republican nominated for the position since Kevin McCarthy's ouster on 3 October.

The previous nominee, Minnesota's Tom Emmer, abruptly dropped out of the race on Tuesday after about four hours.

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