How Operation Carthage was a tragic success

8 months ago

Operation Carthage, conducted on 21 March 1945, was a British air raid targeting the Gestapo headquarters in Copenhagen, aimed at disrupting Nazi operations and aiding the Danish resistance. Despite meticulous planning, the operation led to significant unintended civilian casualties, notably at a nearby school, resulting in the tragic loss of 125 lives including 86 schoolchildren. While achieving its primary objective of debilitating Gestapo operations, the raid left a stark reminder of the high human cost of warfare, even with precision targeting. The contrasting outcomes of Operation Carthage reflect the complex and often painful calculus involved in military operations during wartime.
#OperationCarthage #WorldWarII #BritishAirRaid #GestapoHeadquarters #CopenhagenRaid #CollateralDamage #MilitaryHistory #DanishResistance #RAF #HistoricMissions

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