Vaginal Candidiasis short Urdu video

7 months ago

#shorts #vaginalyeastinfection #candidiasis #vaginalinfection #vagina #vaginafit #urdu

They’re itchy and uncomfortable, and no one really likes to talk about them. But vaginal yeast infections are very common in women. It’s estimated that 75% of women will have at least one yeast infection in their lifetime.

Though yeast infections can happen to anyone at any time, certain things make getting them more likely. Most infections can be cleared up quickly and easily.

The vagina normally contains a healthy balance of bacteria and yeast. The hormone estrogen helps bacteria called lactobacilli to grow. These bacteria kill harmful organisms in the vagina and keep you healthy. But when something happens to tip that balance, a fungus called candida can grow out of control and cause a yeast infection.

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