Do you want to be successful say no to these to things #successmotivation

1 year ago

Do you want to be successful say no to these to things
Number one: say no to procrastination
When you procrastinate you postpone your destiny. Rememberyou are co-creator of your world. Start that business now, take that test now
Number two: fear of fallure
Fear is the result of lack of courage and lack of courage may be the result of adequate knowledge about something. Get the right knowledge and face your life head on. Remember you will not get all the imformation you require but you have keep pushing your goal because the more you push the more it become clearer
Number three: say no to negativity:
Be positive and optimistic at all times. Most time our reality are the product of what we say and think
Number four: stop resisting change; we all know that change is constantand as the world revolve we must revolve also or else you remain irrelevant in the face fast changing world
Number five; over planning: I told you early before now you will not get all what the pieces of information you want or need. Over planning can cause procrastination and you may never take a step towards your goal.
Number six: avoiding feedbacks:
For you grow, you must seek opinon of your growth from others. When you shae your thought with others you can possibly prevent yourself from repeating mistakes
Number seven patience: the truth is success takes times: waiting can be tough and difficult but the universe always rewards the patience ones. The saying still remains truth: the patience dog eat the fatest bone.
Number eight stop comparing yourself to others: others should be a source of motivation to drive you to pursue a great height but not to engage on unhealthy comparism. I understand social media is driving a lot of us crazy but you must take control of your world.
Number nine stop over commiting yourself undeserving event or person; your time is more valuable than your currency and when lost can’t be regain. Guide it jealously.
Number ten seeking perfection your plans cancot or never be 100% perfect or complete or accurate. Take the dull by the horn find start along the way you going to perfect your way to success

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