Covid Was A Way To Convince Democracies Towards Collectivist Ideologies

7 months ago

G. Edward Griffin in conversation with Brian Rose, who was a successful banker in Wall Street and the City of London before he started London Real.

Griffin is a well known historian, author of The Creature From Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve, which reveals the fraud of central banking systems.

Here, Griffin warns that the Covid pandemic, and more importantly the pandemic response, was a way to usher in collectivist ideology onto once-democratic nations. Everything we were told to do, from standing on floor stickers to wearing masks to staying at home for months-on-end to reporting our exact location to digitalised government systems, to taking a dangerous medical product, was sold to us as being "for the greater good". Individual rights were usurped in the name of "safety".

Infectious disease control has always carried the risk of collectivist ideology and once public health education included ways to avoid this, by focusing on ways to protect human rights.

Today public health, and more importantly the funding of public health research and education, is in the hands of people willing to weaponise it in order to sell collectivist ideology. Human rights education has been replaced with teaching methods to keep populations in fear. As with the distortion of all language now, it is euphemistically labelled with terminology such as "health promotion" and "disease prevention". Only the selfish would not comply with such important concepts! Collectivist ideology was always sold in this way.

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." ~ Benjamin Franklin


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