She left me Standing in the Vestibule

8 months ago

She Left Me Standing in the Vestibule;

She left me standing in the vestibule of an old Victorian house, I'd once encountered in a dream

To the gods of wine and festival, the chorus of a Crowd echoed songs of a Dionysian theme

With flowered hair and an impish smile, she Returned, asking about my imprint on Greek Tragedy

Stunned by her words and flowing crimson Apparel, I felt a strange de ja notion dawn on me

Could it be, the formless wanderer I've chased Near to my own peril across the desert and city Streets

Has accepted my invitation, here in suspended Animation, and now the circle is complete?

Outside, an ark of light shined above the spire of An old church across the road

As she led me along tangled vines and briars, in a Solemn tone she spoke

"Here is where you must leave your yoke and Abandon reservation, and I must part with thee"

"Waste not your little time and trust in the Raven ", Her eyes pierced my hidden larceny

"Return to the depths where the herd never roam And complete the remaining alchemy."

Then the bell tolled from the old church tower as I Stood alone at the seventh hour,
I knew it was time to proceed

Written by Ryan P Rohn

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