A Review of Lidl-Mall Investment platform (watch before investing) #lidl #hyip #usdt

1 year ago

New user registration will receive 10 USDT for free

The minimum investment is 10USDT Each VIP level has a 30-day usage period Minimum withdrawal amount is 1 USDT The system task refresh time is Mexico time:00:00 VIP0 cannot withdraw cash and needs to upgrade its level.


Recharge 10 USDT to get VIP1 earn 2.8 USDT per day

Recharge 66 USDT to get VIP2 earn 16.6 USDT per day

Recharge 366 USDT to get VIP3 earn 95 USDT per day

Recharge 766 USDT to get VIP4 earn 199 USDT per day

Recharge 1666 USDT to get VIP5 earn 434 USDT per day

Recharge 3666 USDT to get VIP6 earn 966 USDT per day

Recharge 6666 USDT to get VIP7 earn 1758 USDT per day

Recharge 9666 USDT to get VIP8 earn 2608 USDT per day

Recharge 16666 USDT to get VIP9 earn 4760 USDT per day

Recharge 36666 USDT to get VIP10 earn 10450 USDT per day -------------------------------

Level 3 subordinates of Lidl enjoy top-up rebates A Team : 「A」recharges 1000 USDT, and you receive 100 USDT(10%). B Team : 「B」recharges 1000 USDT, and you receive 20 USDT(2%). C Team : 「C」recharges 1000 USDT, and you receive 10 USDT(1%). -------------------------------
Team total recharge reward:
The third-level subordinates can get the following rewards if they recharge to the corresponding amount within 24 hours: The team recharges 100 USDT within 24 hours, and rewards 3 USDT The team recharges 400 USDT within 24 hours, and rewards 15 USDT The team recharges 800 USDT within 24 hours, and rewards 33USDT The team recharges 2000 USDT within 24 hours, and rewards 80USDT The team recharges 5000 USDT within 24 hours, and rewards 150 USDT The team recharges 10000 USDT within 24 hours and rewards 320 USDT The team recharges 50000 USDT within 24 hours and rewards 3000 USDT ABC third-level subordinates recharge within 24 hours a day as an effective reward standard #ordergrabbingapp #ordergrabbingwebsite #newordergrabbingwebsite #ordergrabbingapptoday #ordergrabbingappwithoutinvestment #freeusdtminingsite #usdtminingsite #newordergrabbingapp #ordergrabbingapp #ordergrabbingwebsite #newordergrabbingwebsite #ordergrabbingappwithoutinvestment #freeusdtminingsite #newordergrabbingapp #ordergrabbingearnmoney #usdtminingsites2023 #usdtordergrabbingsitenewordergrabbingapp2023 #grabfortpro #newusdtgrabbingsite #usdtinvestmentplatform #newfreeusdtminingwebsite2023 #usdtminingapp #grab50order #newusdtsite #usdtgrabbingsite #investmentplatform #newgrabproject #newusdtearnsite #newordergrabapp #grabbingsiteusdt #newusdtsites2023 #newusdtminingapplication2023 #usdtinvestmentsite #usdtinvestment #usdtearningsite #realusdtinvestmentsite #newinvestmentsite2023 #dollarinvestmentsite #freeusdt #freeusdtearn #usdtsite #newusdtinvestmentsite #bestinvestmentapp #freeusdtearnsite #cryptoinvestmentsite #dailyusdtearningsite #tronmining #newearnmoneysite2023 #freeusdtearningsites2023 #bestusdtearningsites2023 #earningapps2023 #cryptolootinstantpayment #binanceloot #binance #instantcryptoloot #future #binanceloot #binance #futurebounceloot #wallet_airdrop #new_airdrop #newwallet_offer #newcryptoloot #hotcoin #binanceloot #cryptoloot #cryptolootinstantpayment #insrant_withdrowal_airdrop #new_airdrop #instant_payments_airdrop #cryptolootinstantpayment #bitmartexchange #kucoin_new_airdrop #instantwithdrawairdrop #instant #instantloot #OnlineEarning #BitcoinEarning #sra #sr #earningapp #withdrawal #problems #update #investment #program #markazapp #albarizon #earnmoneyidea #makemoneyidea #earnmoney #earnmoneyonline #earnfromhome #makemoney #makemoneyonline #makemoneyfromhome #TechnicalGuruji #KashifMajeed #MrHow #OnlineSurvey #OnlineJob #WorkOnline #OnlineEarning #techburner #onlineEarningWithoutInvestement #OnlineJobsAtHome #earningWebsites #EarningApp #EarningApps #howtoearnmoneyonline #BinanceUSDT #usdt #freeusdt #cryptoairdrop #crypto #freecrypto #rooil #rooilvip #cvnoils #Chevron #cvnoilsvip #GazpromPJSC #Gazprom #Gaz #Oil #oil #Israel #israelwar #iraqoil #Venezuela #venezuelaoil #SaudiArabianOil #SaudiArabia #Canada #Iran #iranianoil #Kuwait #kuwaitoil #UnitedArabEmirates #unitedarabemiratesoil #Russia #Russianoil #rossneft #Qatar #QatarPetroleum #IsraelHamasWar #Hamas #iphone15 #iphone15promax #IPhone15conference #iphone15pro #EscapefromIsrael #IsraeliPalestinianconflictescalates #PalestinianarmedgroupHamasraidsIsrael #GazaStrip #Gaza #SCML #RT #SRA #ITP #StarConceptMedia #albertmallvip

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