The Devastation of Leftover Frozen Embryos

8 months ago

If I believe life begins at conception, and I do, there are 9 lives sitting on ice in a freezer that bear my DNA.

When I began the process of IVF, I was desperate to become a mother. Infertility is not part of God’s design, but so it has become part of the fabric of human existence since the Fall.

I’d been a vocal, pro-life advocate since elementary school, but IVF felt like the opposite of abortion. It was life creation, not destruction.

And yet, now we know that more than a million tiny, conceived lives exist in medical freezers and most of them will never see the light of day.

I wish I’d had someone to help me back in 2014, when I started the journey toward motherhood via IVF. Today, I have two healthy, amazing children than were conceived from this decision and I am everyday grateful for this.

You can read my full post on this here:

I made this video for Christian women considering IVF who may not be aware that this is the scenario you could find yourself in.

Please note: Many people seem to misunderstand what I'm saying about adoption in the video. I am NOT against adoption and it is really the *only* option I have at this point.

What I'm saying is that a child who is adopted will suffer from identity issues because they do't know their bio family. This isn't my opinion, it's backed up by many statistics & studies that have been done on children who were adopted at birth. I think all lives are valuable, which is why I'm so distressed over this. I am struggling because I put my own children into this situation.

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