Why is the Climate Crisis racist where Africa is concerned? West policies toward Africa are racist.

10 months ago

Sometimes, we must stand up and point out hypocrisy and apparent racism. This interview with Cyrus Brooks, with RBAC, Public Speaker, Writer, and Humanitarian, was a great conversation covering just that. While I was live in the Permian Basin International Oil and Gas show, Cyrus was in Cape Town, South Africa, involved in the African Energy Week 2023 (AEW).

#energytransition #africanenergy #naturalgas #oilprices #energypoverty
The African Energy Week is critical for the continent, and its main focus is the African Energy Renaissance by reducing energy poverty, people, planet, industrialization, and free markets. Their goal is to “Make Energy Poverty History by 2023.” What a fantastic goal and we need to help make this happen.

Highlights from the African Energy Week News

African countries have long stated that there needs to be a just and inclusive energy transition, one that takes into account Africa’s priorities. Joseph McMonigle, Secretary General of the International Energy Fund, explained that, “There is a disconnect between the developed world and the developing world, particularly Africa. We need to recognize that the priorities here are much different. We need a multidimensional approach. There should be different pathways to providing energy security and economic development and pursuing a transition.”

Dr. Farouk Ibrahim, Secretary General of the African Petroleum Producers Organization, echoed these remarks. He said, “A defining moment for us in Africa is going to be at COP. Success at COP28 is not going to be defined by how much the industrialized and developed countries of the north say they are going to give us and help us with the energy transition.”

Dr. Ibrahim drew attention to the central role technology will play in defining Africa’s energy transition. Rather than abandon the resources that will drive economic growth, Dr. Ibrahim believes that, “We should use technology and remove 500 megatons [of emissions], so you enable the countries of the south to use the type of fuels (oil and gas) to develop and get to where the developed world is today.”

I had the opportunity to interview Dr. Ibrahim on the day after this interview with Cyprus, and it was fantastic hearing his views on Africa first and that energy is a critical humanitarian issue. As Alex Epstein said in his speech at the conference, the financial and energy direction of the West towards Africa is like environmental racism.

The ENB Conversations with Stu Turley Podcast with the Guest Cyrus Brooks from RBAC.


Please check out RBAC at: https://rbac.com/

Follow Cyrus on LinkedIn HERE: https://www.linkedin.com/in/cyrus-brooks-03274713/

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