System Shock Is Nostalgia Fail

1 year ago

System Shock Remake. So, I have no idea where to go, what to do, or what to accomplish. The game is gorgeous. And it's probably true to its roots. However, if you're coming off modern FPS, or even System Shock 2, this game leaves a lot to be desired. Ok, yes, all you have to do is defeat Shodan, but because you are able to go around into areas you're probably not supposed to be in, and there's no clear direction on opening areas or paths, the game just feels broken from the core gameplay standpoint.

And this is getting so bad, that I don't really want to play anymore. To heal most of the time, I had to run down the Medical level more often than I wanted to, because getting healing items is actually quite difficult, and from what I can tell, not every level has a healing pod.

The inventory is also really bad, and I'm not able to upgrade the capacity yet (or maybe there isn't an upgrade for that). The size of the inventory is really, really bad. This causes tons of running back and forth to the Recycler and storing weapons and items in crates, that you will have to custom mark on the map so you don't forget where you left them (and there's only one marker type too, which adds to the confusion).

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