Lee Merritt, MD Live...
Lee Merritt, MD goes live with a hospital quality assurance nurse who saw behind the scenes in a COVID captured hospital.
Dr. Merritt can be found at
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I never took a test, I never wore a mask and people thought I was crazy! I said I’m not sick! I’m not going to get sick! I’m not getting a vaccine for anything! And I’m not wearing a mask!
had no vaccine the last 2 decades and im healthy, had no cough or cold nor flu over 20 years, i switched my diet on same time sure, you gut is half your immune system so keep your microorganism happy! Dont eat industrial processed foods, or at least minimize, a sin every now and then sure does not kill you, but cutting sugar in general is a great idea, use honey if you need sweetness, artificial sweetener are no-go.
Me too. I never did the antisocial distancing and I went out everyday during lockdown. Why? Because I’d done my research into this Agenda for years before hand. The UK government admitted it was flu before the first lockdown and now they have confirmed that Convid had the same infection fatality rate as flu, - 0.096%. We just need to turn off our TVs and do a little research.
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It's funny that you ask "Where is the Christian community?" If there was a Christian community none of this would have happened in the first place. 90+% are Christian in name only.
They're waiting for the rapture. It's "all part of the plan". Don't know who is worse Trump folks "trusting the plan" or Christians "it's all part of God's plan". Awful.
Right. And now it's support Israel at all costs because somehow they mistakenly believe "bless Israel" means " support Israel". So now they have to support Israel's war, cheer on the slaughter of innocent Palestinians and bring the world to WW3, or what? Lose your salvation? Well which is it? Once saved always saved, but only if you support Israel bringing us to WW3? In many ways "Christians" are as bad as the enemy just wanting to murder more people.
gweboc, I couldn't have said it better myself! They are supporting the Synagogue of Satan!
Cabal worked on this for centuries, programming with "education" including theological, TV, movies, organized religion. Forgive them, they did not know.
We were all warning people of the Plandemic and the BioWeapon but we were cancelled and the government paid pastors to push the poison. We have treated many who were near death, advocated for those in the hospitals, counseled them on how to submit a religious exemption, brought forth effective remedies for those who have a multitude of adverse events like turbo cancers, blood clots, prion disease. We the Christian Community have been taking the hits by speaking the truth and continuing to provide the remedies for healing. There are many of us like Dr. Lee Merritt who was the first to ever call this a BioWeapon and she continues to be on the cutting edge of treatments and information.
They are clueless & will not stand up & speak.
Yep....you can't count on a person's religion to be honest and do the right thing...its always Money over human life, period.
Christians are minding their own business, taking care of their children and working.
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Hi … WHERE HAVE YOU ALL BEEN? NE9 Care118 GWEBOC FINALLY A “GROUP” OF SANE NAME SAKES!!! “and I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.” Genesis 12:3 About the things of Israel I’d like to share this thought for you to pray and test Gen 12:3 was spoken to Abraham and his seed, there was no “Israel” prior to Jacob/Israel
Don’t lump all Christians into the same bucket!!! Good grief! Also, stop believing everything you are watching on TV!! Most protests are full of hired actors. Do you remember George Floyd riots with BLM supposedly everywhere? Do you really think all of these agitators show up and invest their time without someone paying them to do so? Nothing has changed. Most of what we see on TV, news reports, social media, it has all been planned out, edited, scripted, videos can be faked, footage from years ago gets recycled over and over. We are ALL being lied to, on both sides, every.single.day. They want us fighting and blaming each other!! Stop feeding the bullies!! Stop giving them the ammunition to keep us chasing our tails 🤦🏼♀️
Remdesivir + Dexmethasone + Vancomyacin + vent = Murder and that's what's happened in the Hospitals
Also, helped the Father of my daughters friend get out of the hospital before they gave him the Remdesivier with the medical disclaimer. Still most doesn’t believe the truth, at least around here. Il land.
I would love to see you chat with Sabrina Wallace.
Absolutely. Absolutely.
Would love to hear Sabrina. Any link woul you share please?
There are a number of videos here on Rumble.
Yeah I searched her. I was actually asking for any link for any particular interview you want me to watch. Thanks for the recommendation
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They're all pretty good. It's like watching a different language at first. But if you keep watching things start to make sense once you get the language.
I never took a single test or wore a mask EVER, during the lockdowns I went in every big box store that was allowed to be open while everyone else was shut down and I stood too close to people while telling them to remove their oxygen deprivation torture device, I walked down the isles the wrong way and I talked to EVERYONE, especially the employees, I also called the Health Department and complained about all the dirty face masks in their parking lots. Walmart started having me followed in their stores, till I started talking reason and actual SCIENCE to the staff following me, most of whom quit after speaking with me.
Me too, Walmart security would follow me around and I would just run. But there are quite a lot of ppl that are still brainwashed even today.
right? I didn't run, I started talking to them, befriending them, and they listened to every word I said, many of them quit Walmart, the others who stayed must have revolted because Walmart stopped making them wear face masks and now when I come in they all smile real big at me. only one lady I couldn't get thru to, a little old Christian woman who preached the kill shots like they were the 2nd coming of the Messiah, she died sadly. Walmart doesn't send employees to follow me anymore, in fact I think they've told their employees to avoid me now. LMAO
I told people that if this virus was that bad, they would have "bio hazard container's" in every store, for the masks, and those masks wouldn't be all over the parking lot. ...and why didn't they require surgeon's disposable gloves. Money is filthy.
exactly! I think they were intentionally trying to spread TB thru those mandates. and maybe they had 2 goals, 1. spread TB and pneumonia to make people sick so they could call it "Covid" and make a bunch of money killing them all and 2. it allowed them to see the percentage of Americans who are complete idiots (almost half of us apparently)
There was a church in my area that served lunches that had signs on their doors saying “If you don’t have a mask on you don’t get any food.” Yes, I called them the next day to remind them that that’s not a Christian way to serve others. And I have a coworker who is a deacon at his church who told me that if Jesus were here (in 2020) that he would wear a mask! 😳 The churches are the problem - they don’t stand up against evil anymore!
Great Interview!!!! Thank You Both!!
They do not want the current human population to be wired to the grid they want you DEAD. They will make the new human population in the lab pre-wired to the grid. You are being used in an experiment on how to genetically modify humans.
I have to have an oral surgery soon, how do I avoid them shooting me up with nanotech / graphene oxide? Should I request Nitrous Oxide instead? Should I take EDTA before going into the surgery? Any and all help and advice is greatly appreciated!
I'm in a jam with this dental scenario too. Mine isn't a must do right now so I've got some time to sort protocols. May just do nothing until I'm forced....terrible isn't it?
Interesting thing I learned about EDTA. I watch a YT channel of a chemist who does all sorts of cool things. His latest episode he wanted to make his own rust remover. Bought a 5 pound bag of powdered EDTA off Amazon for like $15 and mixed it in some distilled water. Worked just as good as a leading rust remover. So that's how EDTA works. It's a rust/metal dissolver. Also good to know you can buy a 5 pound bag of it for $15 instead of paying $40 for 60 capsules.
What is the name of the channel?
In August I was told I need 3 teeth yanked.. presuming I was going to schedule asap, but I remembered that my daughter used Chlorine Dioxide solution to save one of the cats in her rescuing operation from dental work, vet said dental work w anesthesia needed -- but CDS was more effective than the vet's antibiotic... and ol CatsPurr never went back.. just his normal self.. So I dug up the protocol for humans [cats are harder to manage CDS] and am using 400ppm as a transdermal/sublingual/transbuccal therapy with a shotglassfull every morning... just calmly holding that mouthful.. in the beginning I repeated that a couple more times per day, each time about 15min soaking [while i start kitchen work] and 15min wait afterwards, before starting vitamins and food.. So far so good... Ain't going back to check that guy's approval ever at all... Feels fine this way... Maybe what's bothering your teeth would work the same... just me and the cat are anti-dentist so far, rotfl.... ttyl -- depending on rumble if needed for trying..
in response to rumble's notification, it appears there is a need for clarifying that me&CatsPurr and the @WatchWomanOntheWall2015 produce our ClO2 by different methods... I follow the Dr Andreas Kalcker method [see his video] and WatchWomanOntheWall2015 goes all the way back to the early days methods of Jim Humble.. Humble's method doesn't need refrigeration of a 'supply'' and requires mixing the right number of drops in purified water in SMALL amounts each time BUT his lengthy experience produced a big database of cure/protocols Whereas Kalcker relies on video, lectures and classes for a science explanation AND with refrigeration you can have it ready in emergencies, but need to keep your supply up enough to stay a full day ahead... Humble's product is called MMS and you can get the 2 parts in water purification packages on Amazon... Kalcker's CDS starts from the same 2parts but to make the storable solution requires a sealable processing jar with tall shotglass inside, plus dark brown storage jar for fridge use... all of which I also got [separate items] on Amazon.... You see....I prefer the storable version because.. my daughter insightfully handed me a shotglass of it when I had a surprise episode of paroxysmal atrial tachycardia and my supply of celery [yes the pale green stalks have 'something' in them that calms a racing heart somehow] was near gone, and we were stunned to see that the ClO2 did the job even faster.... unpredictable instant needs sometimes are better met with supply, don't you agree Kalcker does videos on both methods, but rumble is not gonna take it down.. hopefully... YT blew his channel up and they even block people for commenting... but others seem to be spreading it ok For the CDS.... https://rumble.com/v3jpri2-dr.-andreas-kalcker-how-to-make-chlorine-dioxide-solution-cds.html Maybe WatchWomanOntheWall2015 has a best starting-up video for MMS? TTYL
I like having Kalcker's 436-pg book, Forbidden Health, at home for reference, esp if internet goes down. Here's the English version for USA customers: https://cleanhandsnj.com/shop/ols/products/book-forbidden-health-english-version
Thank you Indy and Watch Woman!
I used it as well, for a tooth ache which is an infection. I dipped my tooth brush in it and brushed with it, and swished my mouth and gargled too. The infection was gone by the next day, but I kept it up for a couple more days to make sure. I did distilled water, about 2 ounces then added the ClO2 drops which is two bottles 1 drop of each makes ClO2. I used 4 drops each, mixed first, then added the 2 oz. distilled H2O. I call that a strong solution. Usually I use 1 drop of each for each ounce of water. That stuff is potent!
Nope, can't explain more because I am not a doctor. There are good men in US FEDERAL PRISON right now for sharing this with other to heal during COVID. Look up this great doctor, Dr Andreas Kalcker . He has a website and videos and teaches people how to make it and use it, and his way is safer for the average person to use. ClO2 is VERY POTENT. a little goes a loooong way. You can also watch an amazing documentary here on Rumble called "The Universal Antidote." I suggest you do some research before you try it, and these are good places to start your healing journey. Pray for the Grenon's. They have been locked up longer than the J6er's and were finally handed down some serious punishment, and they did not harm a single person!
Will you please explain a little clearer for us dummy's? 2 drops each of what? I'm VERY interested in this Chlorine Dioxide stuff and would like to know more. Is it over the counter?
But what if you have to have the teeth removed to have a partial denture put in? I understand that we should eliminate any potential infections or anything along those lines. Should we just do what you're suggesting instead for the time being and weather the storm that these pharmaceutical psychopaths are pushing on us until things return to normal? I've honestly been going back and fourth with this concept in my mind for about a year now. I'm sure that many other people are in the same boat as me.
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PaulGray, i have no clue on partial denture issues,... The issue is the injectable novacaine or whatever may have the new covid tech... I suppose you could ask your dentist if his supply of novacaine was last years, maybe that would be safe.. I'm not keen on self-hypnosis, tho I did meet a nurse once who said she used it for dental stuff...Wishing you the best... ttyl
Nitrous oxide... that's a good suggestion.
Some dentists use valium and nitiuos oxide together.
I recently found a biologic dentist. They are against mercury fillings, root canals, etc. I watched on rumble “Root cause”. I’m scheduled to have my root canaled tooth pulled in December. They use your plasma and ozone to expedite healing.
Excellent guest. Her story is similar to Nurse Erin.
Fascinating conversation. Thank you very much for your dedication and integrity.
Most Christians are on the broad way to perdition
I am a nurse. I also refused the shot. I work through a nursing agency. I'm currently being told I need to take the shot to continue to work for the St Norbert Abbey caring for the retired priests. I find it unconscionable the church is doing this. I am also a farmer and make my own herbal medicine with what God has given us. No matter how crazy people think I am, I will continue to speak out against the government evil. Thank you for what you are doing.
Um, what about the aborted fetal cells in most vaccines? Wouldn’t a priest have an issue with that??
You would think so but not them.
It IS the beast system!!!!!!!
The churches are part of it too. They tell people the Sabbath that God Himself rested on and commanded His people to join Him in, was "done away with" and now we have another day called SUNday. The Sabbath YAH made is His church. All others are part of "the system." That's how deep the rabbit hole goes. If you don't believe me ask a Pastor, and if your Catholic, they actually brag that they changed the Sabbath to SUN god day. You can look it up on line. No person has the authority of God to change ANY, not one jot or one tittle of His word, not even His most beloved son YAHSHUA our Messiah, aka: Jesus The Christ. He kept the Sabbath so we should know better! He died without sin. We are supposed to follow Him, not a man who calls himself Pastor, or Pope, or Rabbi.
I'm in a similar situation, worse info/data .... HCP witnessing atrocities, about to be fired again for the same thing. Contact me pls. -G Infofreedom.org
Thank you for being brave and not cowering. We desperately need HCPs who refuse to be bullied. Bless you & yours. 🙏
Truth shall prevail!
They are not human...period.
What a delightful guest and great show, Dr. Merritt. There seems to be a convergence heading in a positive direction. This episode was so uplifting and reinforces that concept. Low loosh, lots of light. Keep on keepin' on. Thank you and love to you both.
Wow seems like anyone could stand and argue this in court and win, if the justice system has integrity that is
Excellent interview
Just notice medical science, the western, got hijacked a century ago, well 120 years maybe, by big money from Carnegie and Rockefeller, and Vaccine and germ theory is something wrong in medical science but results in profit, the whole vaccine scheme produces more sickness than it ever helped, and people dont want to read about it, its like current narratives with ukraine or isreal, people believing massmedia...such plandemic like covid would have no chance if people would acknowledge vaccine does not belong into our medicine.
That "respiratory illness" hit my small northeastern Michigan community in January 2020; school was closed for at least a week because so many people were staying home. But that's why we're supposed to have LOCAL health departments and NEVER cede to state control! Ours was pretty good, since they live in the real world and were giving the same advice as they do every flu season - the vulnerable should stay home, the sick should stay home, and everyone else should cover their coughs and sneezes but otherwise continue in their daily lives.
She is excellent and I would happily follow any podcast of hers! Ty Lee!
They'll be pushing another virus and shutdowns again. Probably this winter. I sure the hell hope the masses resist and tell them to stick it this time around
Staying hydrated is incredibly important also. People forget about drinking water in fall and winter. What's in chicken soup? Water & sodium for YOUR body battery! Lovin' all the women warriors!
Lead Humanity back into the Grace of Creation, that is underneath all this Duality. Lead Humanity back Home, to Peace. THAT is the New World. Where only Love exists. That is the Portal to the New Earth, where only Love can exist, and there is nothing to Fight against, which is what creates Duality in the first place. Are You Ready? Back to Peace, Humanity. The War is over, if you want it to be. Surrender, Rest, in the Infinite Love Within! Where Darkness cannot exist, and Duality is no more. Lead Humanity and the World to this Place, And suffering will be no more. The Infinite Love will Encompass All. We will have come Back HOME. And PEACE will Reign on Earth again
that Midwest wagyu beef is 20$ a pound if you buy a quarter cow in advance. 797. down and 1200 when cow is ready to process. you get 100 lbs of meat for 2000$. = $20 per lb. can't afford what's in the local store let alone this.
I can’t afford it either but I do go to local meat lockers & buy what I can, when I can. If you have a family to feed, perhaps find a beef farmer & propose a deal of some sort. Blessings to you.
When she mentions high level of evil and issuing an edict from above, how could they have possibly communicated the edicts to so many heads of care facilities, execs at corporations, government officials across the country? Certainly not a memo, or email because it would have leaked by now. There's got to be something in people's wiring that they took the messaging sent out through the ether and it made them take the path of evil. And these same people, to this day, still can't see it. So weird that they just can't be reached no matter how hard you try. I remember something I once read about Edgar Casey saying that we are all connected by thought as if each of us is a point of consciousness around the globe interconnected by some force. Once an idea gets put out into the ether it quickly spreads to all other points of consciousness. This theory of Casey's, I suppose, explains the 100th monkey phenomena. I wonder what's going on in people's consciousnes that makes so many so easily swayed by what's put out into the ether while we, a much fewer group, were not over taken, sucked into the thought matrix, and were able to maintain our own independent thought and actions, when so many others, (the sheep) couldn't. What really, makes someone a sheeple? Something physiological? Something in the brain? Wired with a different kind of consciousness?
You ask good questions. It's hard not to fall in line, when so many have been programmed to respond, when subjected to stimuli. Fear of the unknown is a powerful force. People turn to those they trust for guidance in difficult times. THEY PLAYED US! Maybe not you, maybe not me, but most of us. As Samuel Clemmons has reportedly said, it's easier to fool people than to convince them that they've been fooled. The Edgar Casey comment is interesting. Take care friend.
I had a test shoved up my nose, made me cry. 2 days later I got a bump on my eyebrow, that got bigger and bigger. I finally popped it, and it drained out onto the side of my nose. Im sure it was some effect of the test.
US 501c Tax Exemption is ROPE A DOPE. Asking for a Religious Exception as a federal employee is ROPE A DOPE. The exception for ALL American employees is US Constitution Amendment I.
Great podcast ladies. It's great to see people become informed about truth, speak on it, and continue to learn, think, and act on these things. We have a ways to go, but your hearts are in the right place. There is much hope, and many more truthers are coming forward. The number one thing God says is do not be deceived, then do not fear and be watchful. There are several other important commands, but this is a good start. BTW, very important words from God ; keep holy the Sabbath Day, which is the seventh day, not the first, or Babylon's sun worship day. It's God's Sabbath day, and not to be called the Jewish Sabbath, yet they are the same day. God gave man His Sabbath day, not the Jews. See Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5. Be watchful for the lies that come from Rome. They are all lies from false prophets.
Private Hospitals..........have a homeopath on staff. Homeopathy treats all the things you speak of , and actually must faster than antibiotics..........
please advise how to fix sluggish swollen lymph nodes in 72y man with normal blood tests results.
There are many excellent videos on YouTube on the subject.
what about the damage to the soul from vaccination. the daughter of the Zulu story teller 'credo mutwa'. she claimed her ability to lucid dream was terminated when she was vaccinated by force. please check out Dan winter and the science of the soul currently being researched. bliss to you and any who read this 💜
Honey? Don’t mention money. That’s a no no. 😎
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I wish I would of chose the path of a lawyer. This is gore we could make changes
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Thank you.
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Arther firstenberg md the inivisible rainbow 2017
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That is a great book, and it thoroughly applies to this discussion. Thank you for bringing it up.
@DrLeeMerritt maybe a smaller mild HBOT chamber is what you need for your independence scheme to go along with IVs... I got mine with a naturopath's prescription for AGING.. not glamorous but usefully getting past FDA obstacles.. The sales person [originally servicing professional athletes] for the chamber also had arranged a substantial oxygen concentrator that could push the 95% O2 into the interior cannula in spite of the chamber compressor's force for pressurizing to 1.3ATA... My daughter uses it for post surgery care for her cats in her rescuing operation.. amazingly shortens the time that it used to take cats to be ready for food and companionship after vet care.. along with hi-dose vitC [sodium ascorbate] to get the toxicities of the anesthetics out and substitute for pain relief.. amazing stuff.... The chamber is almost 12 years old [of low use frequency] and still working, never caused any real trouble, but not terribly expensive considering how versatile it is.. strokes, ptsd, wound healing, heart attacks, even pre-birth [tho only tried for difficult cases, but why deny it otherwise], and as part of cancer protocols [Dr Michael Gonzoles, in PR iirc]... After tangling with hospital killers back in 2010 ... We decided we needed a home recovery room complete with other 'stuff' like advocated by that Brazilian doctor [Mark Sircus] who wants to 'upgrade' allopathic medicine.. iodine, chlorine dioxide, sodium bicarb, transdermal magnesium... plus we added orthomolecular 'stuff' courtesy of Dr Andrew Saul's books like DoctorYourself [who cured his bad pneumonia taking 2g ascorbate every 6minutes to try to mimick hi-dosing with vitC] and others in ISOM and Linus Pauling followers.. Hope that's clear enough. TTYL
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Thank you, Ladies. Dr. Merritt, you are a treasure. God Bless the Good, IJHN.
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This was a great talk!! One of my favorites so far!
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I'm leary of the ivermectin now because the FDA has approved it. Making sure it's pure will be a challenge.
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Still safe to take the paste version!! It’s called horse paste but it is safe for humans. People are healing themselves of all types of cancer, autism, Parkinsons, MS. Another thing is that you can order ivermectin tablets from India. Excellent quality. www.alldaychemist.com
great interview!
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Great talk, it is all spells and magic. Deny Babylon and be free..
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Well holy sh!t, dr's & nurses teamin' up to commit first degree, pre-meditated murder on patients for money...what kind of house of horrors has this place become?
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The Church’s are profiting from the southern border fiasco.
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This WAS my hill to die on! I left a public school system (short-term disability for anxiety and depression) four weeks before I was being mandated to either get the death jabs or take the graphene oxide-laden swabs. I refused to do either!
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I know this whole thing is a scam but I work in the lab and we don’t change any of the cycling. We validate it and that’s all we do. Once it’s validated, we have to keep running it as it validated. We don’t change it bc they tell us to.
Especially refreshing, thanks
I love this episode
Midazolam is what you mean
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This was really nice, and educational as well.Thank you both.
Hong Kong Flu - Jan 1968. I had a bad case, 2 month old baby, 1 and a half year old twins and a new house..i was dead to the world, in a fever coma lie state...My husband heard of a place close to our house doing wonders. He carried me down a long staircase and then another set of outside stairs to a doctors' office, she had her office closed and only took severe cases. she had a set up in her exam rooms with IVs and 24 hour nurses. after 12 hours overnight I was recovered enough to walk out and go home. what was in those ivS ?? I have no idea. It saved my life and my little babies mother.....
As the jab and the past events are being discussed...The CCP is slowly seeping its way through America. We should be turning our attention to those who have sold us out! Continue to name the names! Don't get distracted by the garbage on TV...you shouldn't be watching TV. Don't take the jab, stay alert turn off your TV, and know the enemies of life! Who are the enemies of life? The ignorant, stupid, and the dumb...The majority of those in Washington D.C. and act accordingly...
So criminal this whole covid scam.
Dr. Merritt it would be great to hear an entire show that addresses the occult, Babylonian magic aspects. This is the real root cause off all of the corruption and Evil.
A bacteria can be eliminated from the body using magnets and the biomagnetic pair. It takes only 15-20 minutes depending on your proximity to the equator. Anti-biotics cause cancer and feeds fungi. There are a few medical doctors who have given up their license to treat people with biomagnetism. Dr. Luis Garcia is one of them. He can be found on YouTube. All pathogens live in the body in the same place in all people. This is universal, safe and reliable. The biomagnetic pair represents pH imbalance in the body. Negative is alkaline and positive is acidic. Biomagnetism is the real explanation of how our bodies become weakened and sick.
If this is all about secret societies of Jews and natzis fighting each other .. how are both still here? Or it’s just people with platforms fighting a fake fight which is what I actually see.
The company I‘ve been with for many years, started off so small, is now a global player and fully on board with the WEF, ESG agenda. It’s appalling.
For all of the people that were illegally fired from their jobs, how do we all start a giant lawsuit to get reimbursed for those lost wages and benefits? Sickening what they have done to us!!
Hi Dr. Merritt, I am a licensed clinical social worker. I have worked in mental health for about 35 years. I would like to speak out about my experience on your talk platform. If you would like to feature me. I worked in a integrated primary care facility and major hospital system in OR during the outbreak and quit when the testing was going to be mandatory. I could not take it anymore with each shot. I really need to speak out, because I am suffering from this quietness.
Additionally they have built a lot of kidney dialysis and cancer centers in preparation for this
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