8 months ago


Fight for Trump Like he fights for us
You know we can You know we must
Our cause is right Our cause is just
So we fightfor Trump Like he fights for us

We stand for freedom We stand for truth
The deep state will get the boot
We stand for peace We stand for love
We stand with Trump 'cause he's the one!

Fight for Trump Like he fights for us
You know we can You know we must
Our cause is right Our cause is just
So we fightfor Trump Like he fights for us

We are Trump He is us
In God we believe In God we trust
Trump is us We are him
And together we will win win win !

Fight for Trump Like he fights for us
You know we can You know we must
Our cause is right Our cause is just
So we fight for Trump Like he fights for us
Yeah we fight forTrump Like he fights for us

Lyrics and muic by
Joseph S Perna
Copyright 2023

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