Comment below “Bank” to start!💥 - This above example shows a client that opened a life insurance pol

11 months ago

Comment below “Bank” to start!💥 - This above example shows a client that opened a life insurance policy, but not just any policy. They opened up a Cash Value Policy, and Indexed Universal Life. This policy allows them to protect their legacy but it also allows them to become their own bank. 🏦 - Here’s what that means. The money their saving into the policy is compounding at higher interest than the bank. It’s safe from stock market crashes and recession proof. It grows tax free and they have access to it tax free. But true best part is they can LEVERAGE the policy. 🙋🏻‍♂️ - This policy was designed to be the river that multiple streams could branch from. In other words, the equity in the policy can be borrowed in the form of a tax free loan and put towards a business, an investment, real estate, and any kind of income producing asset without interrupting the compound interest in your policy. The policy became the asset to build other assets! 📣 - In the above example the client repositioned $1k every two weeks from their bank account to their life insurance policy, opening up all these incredible benefits. 💰 - And in 30 years after saving into the policy, borrowing from it, making money through the streams funded by the policy, and paying themselves back to replenish the account, this client has over $2.8 Million of Tax Free cash in retirement paying them a guaranteed income of $195k tax free every year FOR LIFE.👀 - It’s time to start yours today. Do yourself the favor. - BECOME THE BANK! Comment “Bank” to start 🙏 - #LifeInsurance #CompoundInterest #LIRP #CompoundYourMoney #BecomeYourOwnBank #InfiniteBanking #BYOB #SkipTheMiddleman #Fiduciary #LifeInsuranceAgent #LifeInsuranceBroker

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