PDP - Ep170 - Preparing for Winter Storms with your dog

8 months ago

Even if you’re not in a northern climate, the preparations we will talk about can help you be prepared to take care of your dog.

Conditions you can find yourself in during winter Storms:
- Snow that makes travel inconvenient or impossible
- Snow that limits your ability to exit your home
- Ice and Sleet that make moving outside dangerous and can cause injury to you or your dog

Options are Bugging in or Bugging Out

Things you can do to prepare:
Emergency Kit for Your Dog
Compile a dog-specific emergency kit including food, water, medications, and important documents.
Include warm blankets, a first-aid kit, and a leash/harness for control during walks.
Shelter and Safety
Ensure your dog's shelter is well-insulated and protected from drafts.
Create a designated indoor space where your dog can stay warm and safe during the storm.
Cold Weather Gear
Invest in cold-weather gear such as a doggy coat or sweater, booties to protect paws from ice and salt, and a dog-friendly hat to keep their ears warm.
Evacuation Plan
Plan ahead for potential evacuations, identifying pet-friendly shelters or accommodations.
Ensure your dog has proper identification, including a collar with contact information and a microchip.
Behavior and Exercise
Keep your dog mentally and physically stimulated during indoor confinement with interactive toys and puzzles.
Maintain a consistent exercise routine to help them expend energy even when it's cold outside.

- https://www.thesurvivalpodcast.com/bug-out-planning-orig-148
- Websites: fortressk9.com ; fortressk9.com/puppies ; k9academy.us
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