If you can't see the hidden image, you are more susceptible

1 year ago

Oh the uncertainty of the near future. To be clear, the science of subliminal influence is weird, it is proven real, tho influence is small and only noteworthy in the direction of something you already desire to do or avoid. (for example if you are already thirsty it has shown to increase this desire by 27%)
Online social engineered influence by what they chose for you to consume is absolutely true. (like keep showing you videos that would get you angrier and angrier. Before you say, isn't that what we have now with infinite scroll algorithm, well...kinda but not really. The current casino slot machine inspired infinite scroll algorithm has but one single goal of keep you watching, and it is based on dopamine/reward conditioning. But potentially what we would have to deal with is algorithms that has another primary or secondary goal, like evoking a particular emotion . Scary, but doesn't involve fun illusions though.

#ai #subliminal #subliminalmessages

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