TheDimNews LIVE: New Speaker of the House | American Pediatrics Association Sued

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Join Alex and me for a live stream, tonight at 9:30 ET! Covering this week's news and other junk.


MudderFetcher :r+catjam: :r+catjam: :r+catjam:
thrasybulus Is the American Peds Assoc calling for the mandatory decepticoning of all kids already? I figured we had at least another three months.

RonGreen1 A new American speaker named Sue. This should be good.
thrasybulus @RG The lawyers must be happy with such a good omen.
thrasybulus Save to Random Folder. Click.

MudderFetcher Seth Myers

h8yourst8 Supporter myers
thrasybulus "I'm not always an idiot, most of the time." - The Dim One

h8yourst8 Supporter mike myers is funnier

JQuickDraw Supporter So you're starting with the female body parts segment now?
thrasybulus "I used to be smarter (until I landed on my head in that stripper pole accident last weekend). - The Dim One

MudderFetcher breastfeeding stops for neither man or beast

RonGreen1 If a bald eagle eats a goose, isn't that cannibalism?
thrasybulus People who live their entire lives in cities have no concept of what contact with nature entails.

h8yourst8 Supporter did he know what a goose was?
thrasybulus Who writes for Myers anyway? Make them live on a homestead for five years.

JQuickDraw Supporter A swan is just a pretty boy goose.

MudderFetcher *Alex watching farming videos* "Yeah milk that chicken!"

JQuickDraw Supporter Ducks are midget geese.
thrasybulus Get thee to a petting zoo.

JQuickDraw Supporter So a petting zoo is for inter-species mating?

MudderFetcher well a heavy petting zoo is

JQuickDraw Supporter Dr Moreau's Petting Emporium
thrasybulus @DimOne You dont remember the poles after hitting your head that hard.

JQuickDraw Supporter Sounds like that park has prehistoric levels of oxygen.

MudderFetcher I'm starting to think that geese are part tequila
thrasybulus Car honk at geese for hunting season.

TunedToKey New Speaker, who dis?
thrasybulus @Dipstick

MudderFetcher tequila makes people wanna fight and be extra assholes

TunedToKey Alex, are you locked outside of your house?

JQuickDraw Supporter The party hasn't started until Alex breaks out the mega-mug.

RonGreen1 Tequila makes your clothes fall off.

TunedToKey "Fireworks"

TunedToKey Totally not gunshots
thrasybulus The purple paint on the trees are not for Halloween.

JQuickDraw Supporter That's your house? Alex Havisham lol
thrasybulus It's a buffer in case of overtime.
zimvooza :r+radiatingheart:
thrasybulus One tequila, two tequila, three tequila, floor. - T-Shirt

JQuickDraw Supporter Agave is almost all fructose, I think

RonGreen1 🎶Jose Cuervo 🎶 You are a friend of mine 🎶
thrasybulus I wish I could drink like a lady, I can take one or two at the most, three an I'm under the table, four and I'm under the host. - Dorothy Parker
thrasybulus No more virgins for @Alex. A cherry allergy strikes again.

TunedToKey lol
thrasybulus Real shirt from the 90s

MudderFetcher real shirt

h8yourst8 Supporter it's better on a bumper sticker

RonGreen1 Alex has the five gallon coffee bucket again.😂

TunedToKey How can you eat chocolate syrup?

h8yourst8 Supporter i made a face when you said you were drinking a shot of brandy

TunedToKey Brandy is gross
thrasybulus Oats don't have mammary glands, hence cannot produce milk.

TunedToKey "I have nipples, Greg, could you milk me" - Oats

h8yourst8 Supporter haha
thrasybulus You think as fast as molasses.

h8yourst8 Supporter those canadians jack up the price in a trade war
thrasybulus @h8yourst8 Gotta pay for Trudeaus divorce.

h8yourst8 Supporter his wife probably has to pay alimony
thrasybulus Cunt Goblin

MudderFetcher "Cuntgoblin" merch or we riot

TunedToKey ^^^

h8yourst8 Supporter i want a happy orgasnort! shirt

TunedToKey haha

MudderFetcher is it Happy or Merry?

TunedToKey Use Hillary as a base and make her look more like a goblin

JQuickDraw Supporter Elrond steering the ship into Valinor, backs it out, enters again, backs it out, enters again, looks at Gandalf and nods with a big smile and wink.

TunedToKey Did you guys see the Alex Rosen clip confronting Hillary?

TunedToKey Please show it

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator Post it!
thrasybulus Intersectional Theatre


JQuickDraw Supporter Oh that's where the old dude attacks Rosen, and he shoves him to the floor?

TunedToKey Nope, new one

TunedToKey Alex and Beverly, I posted the video in Discord Friday

TunedToKey I just saw that, Mudder

TunedToKey I meant, Discord Friday dim news

TunedToKey Mudder is one quick mudder

MudderFetcher that's a big dude lol

TunedToKey Wait for it

TunedToKey hahaha

JQuickDraw Supporter He's twice as big as any of the guards lol

RonGreen1 They're shouting Sheila, for Sheila Jackson Lee
thrasybulus Why would a womanizer who has sexual relations with interns go to Epstein Island 26 times? Obvious answer.

TunedToKey Alex rules

MudderFetcher musta been Houston then?

TunedToKey Thank you for showing it
thrasybulus Signs say Sheila for Mayor.

JQuickDraw Supporter I think Hilary went to the island too

MudderFetcher she's running for mayor of Houston I think

TunedToKey Alex Rosen

RonGreen1 Sheila Jackson Lee is running for mayor of Houston.

TunedToKey Hey now

TunedToKey Alex Ann Draa

JQuickDraw Supporter Alex Ann Dria

JQuickDraw Supporter Because you're a font of knowledge
thrasybulus Why would SJL turn off that Congressional money tap?

JQuickDraw Supporter fount

MudderFetcher lmfao

TunedToKey lol

JQuickDraw Supporter The world needs vagina experts. Don't sell yourself short.

h8yourst8 Supporter all at once?
thrasybulus That intro needs an "Oh yeah" ending.

JQuickDraw Supporter It's like that scene from the shining
thrasybulus 364/28=13

JQuickDraw Supporter non-period periods? periodic periods? And that's that. Period.

RonGreen1 The average man gets smacked with a frying pan 300-500 times in a lifetime.
thrasybulus Arguing with feminists on rub it.

MudderFetcher as a seafaring man, I do look to the moon to know when to come ashore

h8yourst8 Supporter we invented months! period power!

JQuickDraw Supporter I saw Beverly reach around her waist and I thought we were going to talk about the clitoris again.
thrasybulus Being a woman sucks, until after the marriage.

MudderFetcher *takes notes* Fallopian tubes kinda like a revolver
thrasybulus Women have micro and macro hormonal cycles. Men just have a micro cycle.

MudderFetcher nothing like that morning dragon breath lol

h8yourst8 Supporter her female box

TunedToKey "I gotta go to my mail BOX right now"

MudderFetcher "Going To My Mailbox" -A Tale of Sexual Intrigue By Alex

JQuickDraw Supporter "I have to go have some stuff inserted into my mail SLOT."
thrasybulus Mail or Male in Alex's box.
thrasybulus @Dipstick Because women stop sucking after you marry them.

h8yourst8 Supporter periods per year
thrasybulus 28 day moon cycle 13 times is approx a year.

JQuickDraw Supporter 13 months, matching the moon/period cycles, I believe it was the previous calendar we used before the 12 month calendar.

h8yourst8 Supporter a very thorough checking

h8yourst8 Supporter use kool aid man

MudderFetcher Alex is currently dealing with the delivery man

JQuickDraw Supporter "dealing"

TunedToKey Wheelin n dealin

TunedToKey @Beverly go to Friday's prep

MudderFetcher that's amazing how Beverly just rapid-fired every vagina fact ever so now we're done

RonGreen1 I just saw Alex's picture on a milk carton.

MudderFetcher different clothes...I've seen this before lol

h8yourst8 Supporter unboxing the cheese

TunedToKey Wait a sex, she does have different clothes on

TunedToKey I am scared that the link will get lost in all these witty comment

TunedToKey I thought his name was Mike Hunt

MudderFetcher Michelle Obama is totally not Mike Johnson
thrasybulus I have to be up in 7 hours. Night all.

MudderFetcher His speech mentioned Israeli foreign aid...not sure about Ukraine

MudderFetcher I haven't been paying complete attention cause it feels like more of the same

JQuickDraw Supporter We condemn Hamas. Palestine gets no food or water, and Israel gets billions of dollars. That'll show Hamas.

MudderFetcher Thomas Massie is very often technically correct...unfortunately that mean jack shit in the current culture war

RonGreen1 Like the Patriot Act.

JQuickDraw Supporter Yeah, but we don't help. We destabilize every region we enter and help only the lords of war make money. Meanwhile, our own country's infrastructure is collapsing.

h8yourst8 Supporter i'm just a head

RonGreen1 War is no longer an event. It is now part of the American system.

JQuickDraw Supporter It's really vile, and it transcends political parties and economic systems. We give billions to other countries hand over fist. But they argued over the scraps to give Americans during covid.

h8yourst8 Supporter now the indians are coming in thru the northern border

MudderFetcher they know...they are evil

TunedToKey Missy agreed

h8yourst8 Supporter billionaires make most of their money during economic hardship, the worse the better for them


MudderFetcher I'm searching for Mike Johnson kneel lmfao

MudderFetcher y'all got it I think lol

TunedToKey Beverly

TunedToKey I posted it here

RonGreen1 Ratshit Teabag and Illhand Slowmar love this guy.🤣

MudderFetcher this fucking guy lmao

RonGreen1 Kamela can relate to the knee thing.😂

JQuickDraw Supporter This is always rich, watching these people wax poetic about the atrocities of others. We've starved hundreds of thousands of children, and the shit we've done at Gitmo would make most people throw up.

MudderFetcher they kicked it back I thought

RonGreen1 Missouri

MudderFetcher takes her top off and now she's all snortgasms

MudderFetcher it's fascism

MudderFetcher gov + corp

MudderFetcher it's almost like most judges are "in the bag"

h8yourst8 Supporter vaginal atrophy...

h8yourst8 Supporter ummm... it's totally reversible.

h8yourst8 Supporter just a pause

MudderFetcher I feel less sorry for these people as the years go on

JQuickDraw Supporter Welcome to the Boobage Expansion Clinic.

h8yourst8 Supporter the children i feel sorry for, i just get mad at the parents

h8yourst8 Supporter it's really awkward at funerals

MudderFetcher Boobs are fucking rad...every size and shape

RonGreen1 Everybody is a used car salesman. Credit problem? Boob problem? Gender problem? Buy here. Pay here. Se habla Espanol.

MudderFetcher the entire teenager experience is now fully online

MudderFetcher good luck kids

JQuickDraw Supporter It's a gay genocide. If they got their way with all kids who even hinted at being different on the inside, all the people who might have been gay would instead be transitioned.

RonGreen1 Corrupt cops, corrupt prosecuters and corrupt judges ARE the American justice system.

h8yourst8 Supporter you ate the last piece of pizza. i'm going to find you.

JQuickDraw Supporter Just follow the trail of pizza grease.

RonGreen1 Jurors are always those people who weren't smart enough to get out of jury duty.

RonGreen1 Referencing the space aliens will always get you out of jury duty.😂

JQuickDraw Supporter As a juror, you don't have to consider the law. You can vote not guilty based on your own sense of morality.

JQuickDraw Supporter The claim is that through the adversarial process in the courtroom, the truth will out.

h8yourst8 Supporter i was in the jury pool for two very high profile cases that actually would have been cool to be on

h8yourst8 Supporter one was an axe murder

h8yourst8 Supporter attempted murder. pssh. that shouldn't even be a crime

RonGreen1 His car was found at a boat launch, and his boat is missing.

h8yourst8 Supporter two handguns

RonGreen1 Did you say shot twice in the head?

h8yourst8 Supporter the early "facts" are usually wrong

h8yourst8 Supporter i can't think about maine, i'm too worried about israelukraine

RonGreen1 18 killed is not even a weekend in Chicago.

h8yourst8 Supporter they even have tiny bowling

JQuickDraw Supporter I know what you mean. I am terrified that Hamasputin will attack me in my sleep.

h8yourst8 Supporter i wasn't before, but now i am.

JQuickDraw Supporter Left: guns bad. Right: Video games/Porn bad

JQuickDraw Supporter People still use Facebook?

JQuickDraw Supporter Make your relative look like they are trapped in carbonite like Han Solo.

h8yourst8 Supporter are they face up or face down in the table?

h8yourst8 Supporter like are the arms and legs the legs?

JQuickDraw Supporter Oh, even better, have them cast in resin in a sitting position in a wheel chair, so you can take them with you anywhere in your home, and talk to them all day. #NotCreepyAtAll

h8yourst8 Supporter use a coaster, you don't want to leave a ring on uncle al

RonGreen1 Halloween is just around the corner. There's still time to get that dead relative encased in resin.

JQuickDraw Supporter I want my relatives in a glass coffee table face up, completely hermetically sealed so they don't decay. No need for resin, and they look lifelike. Eyes open, of course, so you can feel them staring.

RonGreen1 If they were gay, they go face down.

h8yourst8 Supporter she recognized the taste

JQuickDraw Supporter Defiled, or fortified?

h8yourst8 Supporter did she do a spit take?

h8yourst8 Supporter the spritz carlton

JQuickDraw Supporter "There's semen in this water." "Looks like Jim's at it again."

purpletiger69 I don't eat at potlucks you never know what is going on there.

purpletiger69 Yuck

h8yourst8 Supporter that's why luck is in the name

purpletiger69 LOL

h8yourst8 Supporter the number of bug legs is a minimum now, not a limit

h8yourst8 Supporter did you say gingerbread?

RonGreen1 We used to have office potlucks. I would always make barbecue ribs.

h8yourst8 Supporter babyback?

RonGreen1 Just regular beef and pork ribs

h8yourst8 Supporter i used to like beef short ribs, haven't had them in a long time though

JQuickDraw Supporter This was justified.
AB38 this live ?
AB38 hi dim
AB38 who can see a finger on trigger unless 1 foot away
AB38 shoot
AB38 Humans are not racoons
AB38 oh stfu .. now u claim save a baby ?
AB38 lol
AB38 u morons
AB38 I stole... I have rights
AB38 I feel threatened from transvestite violence against me being straight
AB38 you choose

purpletiger69 wow how did she get elected?

RonGreen1 The future mayor of Houston.

h8yourst8 Supporter the body shaming is unforgivable

RonGreen1 There's a video of Ratshit Teabag screaming at her staff behind a closed door after being confronted by a reporter.

h8yourst8 Supporter i think obama was the one getting paddled

RonGreen1 🎶 Hammer time 🎶

RonGreen1 Michelle's arms are longer than Obama's.

h8yourst8 Supporter her arms have bigger biceps

h8yourst8 Supporter read some things michele has said, you won't mind

RonGreen1 The ring finger is usually shorter than the index finger for women.

h8yourst8 Supporter laura bush had an intern

h8yourst8 Supporter some old lady asking her to help her reach something in target = proof of racism

h8yourst8 Supporter you're fucking talll!

h8yourst8 Supporter everytime i wear my orange sweatshirt into home depot a bunch of racists ask me for help

h8yourst8 Supporter twat backlog

h8yourst8 Supporter you got twat blocked

JQuickDraw Supporter silence is violence

JQuickDraw Supporter keep clapping, keep clapping

h8yourst8 Supporter hamasisis

RonGreen1 Send Sheila Jackson Lee over to Gaza. She'll straighten them out.

h8yourst8 Supporter senate bill

JQuickDraw Supporter He's able to know that the claims are false. That's remarkable.

h8yourst8 Supporter they like that the women get pregnant by the trans, it takes attention away from the ones getting pregnant by the guards.

RonGreen1 When a female inmate is impregnated in prison, it's called a million dollar baby.

JQuickDraw Supporter "insert yourself" lol

h8yourst8 Supporter no! nothing is ever about sex

JQuickDraw Supporter Making F-A-N-T-A-S-Y characters more realistic is beyond retarded.

RonGreen1 🎶 I'm too sexy for my shirt 🎶

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Hello Rumblers

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ I am guessing the show is almost over

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Close enough

h8yourst8 Supporter this character looks exactly like me! charisma: 1

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Sounds like I missed the vagina talk

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ crusty ankled hero

JQuickDraw Supporter @h8yourst8 lol "My D&D character is a human with pre-diabetes and narcolepsy. Strength: 1"

h8yourst8 Supporter the apocalypse has great dentists

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ This beavr definitely likes to go all night

h8yourst8 Supporter the aclu actually sided with trump on something

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ The ACLU is a waste

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ How is HIV a protected disability

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ and why would that have an impact on spreading it intentionally

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ If the hooker had a sign posted, "free HIV with every purchase" it would be different

h8yourst8 Supporter well, they're already hiding the fact they are a man, so why not hide the hiv?

h8yourst8 Supporter they should just create a 40 page small print legal disclaimer that no on will read, but will sign

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ That is a smart hooker

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ They should make themselves look better if they have that level of savvy

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Usually look like trailer park house wives on crack

JQuickDraw Supporter "Aggravated Prostitution" makes me think of it like a married couple. "Oh fine, we can fuck. God, you're annoying."

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Other than the fact China appears to be supporting Hamas

h8yourst8 Supporter au jus around the world

JQuickDraw Supporter Oh wow, I'm not the only one! People, we don't use typewriters any more. lol

h8yourst8 Supporter no. modern is one space

h8yourst8 Supporter i had a boss that forced everyone to use two

h8yourst8 Supporter they love the nba though

JQuickDraw Supporter Disney has to remove black characters from movie posters for the Chinese market.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ TV commercial for detergent. Toss in a black and out pops an Asian

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Great commercial

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Awfully good

h8yourst8 Supporter there weren't enough black characters in this european period piece. i'm traumatized

RonGreen1 Liberals are perpetually offended. Conservatives don't give a shit.

JQuickDraw Supporter I think it's much simpler in the current world. The modern left is filled with people who have mental problems, and are not happy.

JQuickDraw Supporter Regressive leftists want everyone to share their misery, so they want to control you. Conservatives feel that they have it together, and want to enforce their views on you for your own good.

h8yourst8 Supporter haha

h8yourst8 Supporter she ate a slice of domino's right after that too

JQuickDraw Supporter You bigots. She is anti-Israel, but her feet identify as Jewish.

h8yourst8 Supporter didn't they all kneel for blm?

JQuickDraw Supporter That photo needs Colin Kapernick photoshopped into the middle of the kneelers.

h8yourst8 Supporter or just the afro

JQuickDraw Supporter or maybe Netanyahoo lol

RonGreen1 The flying spaghetti monster.🤣

h8yourst8 Supporter me, give me the strength.

JQuickDraw Supporter "I am here as a minister of Church's Chicken, let us not go a-fowl of the sacred herbs and spices."

RonGreen1 No establishment of religion.

RonGreen1 Like the Church of England.

h8yourst8 Supporter clinton, obama

JQuickDraw Supporter Bill Clinton

h8yourst8 Supporter the joke was clinton was called the first black president

JQuickDraw Supporter He fooled around in the oval office, was a smooth talker, smoked weed, and played the sax.

h8yourst8 Supporter obama only half black. so we're only at 0.5 black presidents

JQuickDraw Supporter unless you subscribe to the one drop rule lol

h8yourst8 Supporter obama had the whitest upbringing or anyone outside of a kennedy

JQuickDraw Supporter Kristol is an asshole

h8yourst8 Supporter i hate bill kristol and billy crystal

JQuickDraw Supporter I blame the "wall" number going down on Girls Gone Wild. You look at Lindsay Lohan aging herself 30 years in 5 years in her twenties, and it's easy to imagine that no one over 30 could ever be hot.

JQuickDraw Supporter Marilyn Monroe looked good at 36 right before she died.

h8yourst8 Supporter alex got lost on her way to homeroom

h8yourst8 Supporter dimnews trying to hit all the philias

JQuickDraw Supporter Right Beverly, and to you she looked tasty AFTER she died lol

h8yourst8 Supporter scavangers

h8yourst8 Supporter talk it out

JQuickDraw Supporter So you're like Hannibal. You'll cook a piece of a living person's brain and eat it in front of them lol.

h8yourst8 Supporter biden chin

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Elderly abuse

JQuickDraw Supporter He has Peter Griffin "balls" chin

h8yourst8 Supporter is he talking about himself?

h8yourst8 Supporter who zips their fleece all the way up?

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Robots

JQuickDraw Supporter He is so fucking old

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ He is not too old. But he did not age well

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Oh. Not a reptile.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ He is a shapeshifter

JQuickDraw Supporter Alex getting into the phrenology of Biden's skull shape

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Not a robot but a reptilian shapeshifter I mean

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ His chin sack bounces when he talks

JQuickDraw Supporter Beverly is a finicky cannibal. I smell a sitcom.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ the flesh between each chin ball pulls them up

h8yourst8 Supporter she won't eat a clown. she thinks it will taste funny.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ 81 then

JQuickDraw Supporter @h8yourst8 lol

RonGreen1 Biden does not look healthy. I wonder if he will make it to the next election.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ I hope so

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Four more years of this and the world will definitely end

JQuickDraw Supporter Compare Biden not only to Trump, but also to William Shatner.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ William Shatner is probably a robot

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ No one should be so animated and active at that age

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ it is not natural

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Shater should be in his 90s now

JQuickDraw Supporter Shatner is 90

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Shatner

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Some age well

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Longest lived documented age for a dog is 31

h8yourst8 Supporter biden has been bad for 3 years, too.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Poor fellow just passed away at 31

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Mother passed at 18 years old and a brother lived to be 22

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Good genes in those doggies

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Chocolate labrador as far as I can tell

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ But not sure

JQuickDraw Supporter I believe that dog ate only table scraps, not "dog" food

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Yes. 1992

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ The torture they will get if captured

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ those images on all the terrorists dens most wanted poster

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Is it Dilbert/Scott Adams who has pointed out Marketing doesn't really work. It is just Marketing groups keeping up the perceived need for their own industry

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Biden has a chance to be the first president to keel over while speaking in public

JQuickDraw Supporter It's a partisan tweet.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ That is not the best example of his "reboot" process

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ That is just lighting

h8yourst8 Supporter lol

h8yourst8 Supporter superbald

JQuickDraw Supporter I think L is just being sarcastic. Like, "Whoa, deep, man."

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ most news articles feature a single image that matches the emotion they want conveyed

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ take enough pictures and you will capture every imaginable expression

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ I do like the Trump booking photo. Very Presidential. The Mexican kind

h8yourst8 Supporter some shit is all branding and not quality behind it

h8yourst8 Supporter like the liquor alex was talking about

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ I worked for a company that paid $250,000 for a brand change. The end result was a new "motto" and a slightly different same of blue to the logo

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ slightly different shade of the same color of blue

h8yourst8 Supporter they own it, like dark brandon

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ I wonder if Las Vegas sports books have a bet option for where and when Biden dies in public

JQuickDraw Supporter Bidenomics: printing money reduces inflation.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ fresh meats seem good for doggies

h8yourst8 Supporter a selection of dead hobos

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ you just need to make sure you meet their nutritional needs

RonGreen1 That dog ate fresh goose everyday.😂

JQuickDraw Supporter From an evolutionary standpoint, it makes sense to feed dogs our table scraps. Real food, leftover from our own meals, like we would have done when first domesticating them.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Unfortunately no high fives tonight. My rant option is broken

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ My account is suspended from rants

JQuickDraw Supporter Keep pushing it. By January, they'll be all night streams.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ But you deserve a high five

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ I am using a new computer

RonGreen1 Long stream. Gnite ladies 👋

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Not sure. Waiting on billing

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Have a good night and weekend

TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User Beverly's Discord - Alex's Rumble - Alex's Stripe for Donations -

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ It is Rumble. Not the payment source

TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User Beverly's SubscribeStar for Donations - Beverly's Guilded - Alex's Discord -

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Nice

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ sounds great

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ I decorate the lodge for Halloween

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ good fun

JQuickDraw Supporter Wow, you're good at the link bukkake.

h8yourst8 Supporter despite what everyone else says about you

TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User Oh, I should have said Happy Halloween!

TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User D'oh!

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