(1) Background

1 year ago

[Chapter 1: Background]

I don’t know where to begin. The timeline is now so convoluted with temporal fossils from vestigial timelines. The timeline is written and rewritten in layers. Each layer makes the previous layers obsolete, but there is still lingering evidence of their existence from temporal nodes that were measured and preserved. It is like an acopella singer who sings different parts of the music and splices them together so they are overlapping in time. However there is interference causing “temporal beats” from butterfly effect alterations.

There is a temporal war where the Enemy is Satan who accuses people for their sins in the heavenly court at the end of the war. The Victor is Christ who has the power to pardon people of their sins and condemn the Enemy Satan for his false accusations against people, which backfired on him.

The Victor and the Enemy are both altering the timeline in iterations like a chess game.The Enemy is trying to manipulate people to sin so that he can accuse them, which is entrapment. The Victor is trying to get people to defect to his side so that he can pardon them. The Victor is also trying to get people not to sin so that they get more eternal rewards and the Enemy’s accusations based on incomplete evidence will be false. The Enemy will then be punished for all his false accusations.

When a person defects to the side of the Creator by believing and trusting in the sacrificial gambit of the Victor, they are pardoned of all their sins and can enter the eternal kingdom with eternal life.

When a person is baptized, they receive the Spirit of the Creator, which will help them not to sin. The Spirit of the Creator can use temporal reception to help a person retroactively not sin while keeping the same temporal nodes in their life as temporal fossils for more eternal rewards. However, the Spirit of the Creator needs a person’s explicit verbal permission to retroactively change the past so that it doesn’t violate the person’s free will. Each time a person is saved by being pardoned by the Victor and receives the Spirit of the Creator at baptism, it retroactively changes the timeline so that they do not sin as much. It is like dominos where the timeline keeps getting altered by each person who is saved until the last person to be saved is the last domino to fall.

The Enemy seems to only be able to do temporal reception over a limited amount of time. The Creator can do temporal reception over thousands of years. The Creator has the Enemy “temporally flanked”.

If two people are playing Rock Paper Scissors using temporal reception, the result is unknown because it doesn’t reach an attractor. However, if one of the players has the other player “temporally flanked”, the winner is already predetermined to be the one receiving information from further in the future and sending it further into the past. The player who is able to temporally flank the other player will automatically win even if it doesn’t reach an attractor. Therefore in the temporal Satan attractor is not reached so we do not know what the specific outcome will be until it is measured, but we know the Creator is the winner because of temporal flanking.

It appears the Creator tricked the Enemy into thinking he won during a 7 year period after the Rapture known as Jacob’s Trouble or the Great Tribulation. The Creator sent the Victor back in time thousands of years to win the war retroactively through a gambit. There is still the lingering temporal nodes of the 7 year Great Tribulation as a hiccup after the Rapture.

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