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The Vinny Eastwood Show: Andrew Norton Webber - Distilled Waters & Urine Therapy

1 year ago


Vinny Eastwood interviews Andrew Norton Webber back in his hay day about the healing properties of Distilled Water and Urine Therapy. Both of which I can a test to myself from my own experience fighting Health Problems from living a life of very Toxic Fun....



  • 0/2000
  • Great talk!! If water is dead, why does it respond to words/intentions by creating crystals? The science of Dr. Emoto?

  • Just had to say thanks to Andrew! Host not so much

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  • i love this guys humor haha

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  • i wonder if vinny tried this, ?

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  • It's true about crown chakra burst, except I notice results when I dry fast, semen retention, eat an alkaline diet, pray 5 times a day (salat) and drink only distilled water to flush out toxins and rehydration.

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  • We have been making our own and drinking distilled water since 1984..I don’t think ( my experience) I had the effects like Andrew described..my husband as well.. I started urine therapy on March 29…2024.. I am finding that the urine has been more effective.. it has what we need it with the god essence..distilled water has been man handled by time it gets distilled.. no energy until we consume.. but not to the degree of urine…

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  • I do believe in distilled water.. we mark our jugs with love… and set them out on the earth for grounding.. everything in glass…

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  • how can i contact andrew?

  • Good Stuff!

  • Andrew Norton Webber is doing GREAT WORK!!! This information is PROFOUNDLY IMPORTANT!!! My only problem with his talk was when he said WATER IS DEAD. I would recommend he find a more accurate term. How could Dr. Masaru Emoto's work be true if water is dead? If the term OMNIPRESENCE OF GOD is true, how can water be dead? If you simply say that WATER is a CARRIER OF LIGHT (not DEAD), I would feel better about your whole message. Overall, you did a BRILLIANT SALES JOB. Thank you very much.