The Great Surrender - Break Free from the Past and Realize Your Highest Potential

7 months ago

We're all going through this process of "letting go" of the old identify and beliefs we have, and embracing what I am calling your Signature Hz or new identify ...

As we continue to let go of the old identity, we will:

- Be getting a better response from the Higher Mind.
- Achieve outcomes with greater easy.
- Feel more at peace, and less fear.
- Have strong 'angelic' support.

I speak about this shift and how we can navigate these changes in today's video.

I hope this serves you,


++ Client Testimonial ++

"I am speechless. I've been doing therapy for so long, I didn't think this was ever going to shift. But when we did the energy clearing work, I saw my past experiences completely differently, and I felt this level of freedom I didn't know I was going to feel." ~ Lauren Tucker

Book your FREE call to see if I can help you Clear Your Energy Blocks:

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+++ My Book is Now Live on Amazon +++

7 Day Manifestation Experiment - How You Can Create the Life of Your Dreams.

Barnes and Noble:

I've also put Audible samples of each chapter on Youtube so that you can listen to them here for FREE:

Here's the book outline:

✅ Introduction
✅ Chapter No.1 What Super Nintendo Taught Me About Manifesting
✅ Chapter No.2 Everything is Energy
✅ Chapter No.3 Manifesting, Where to Start?
✅ Chapter No.4 Using Intentions to Shift Your Life
✅ Chapter No.5 When Manifesting Doesn’t Work
✅ Chapter No.6 Allow Things to Come to You
✅ Chapter No.7 Acknowledge Yourself as the Creator
✅ Chapter No.8 The New Human

I hope you enjoy the book :)


The Great Surrender - Break Free from the Past and Realize Your Highest Potential

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