Debate Doug Challenge #1 - Did Paul's Jesus Appear On Road to Damascus in violation of Matthew 24?

1 year ago

The proposed debate issues are first: whether Paul claimed Jesus physically appeared to Paul and his 2 companions on the road to Damascus. Second, whether Paul's claim violates the prophecy of the Son of Man by Jesus in Matt 24.

Our article on this topic is at this link:

We also have several videos on Matthew 24 demonstrating it is violated by Paul's claim that Jesus appeared on the Road to Damascus - a wilderness outside a city -- in approximately 37 AD. For in Matthew 24, Jesus says He will not be seen on earth again (from his Ascension to Heaven) until the Second Coming when every eye will see him from East to West; do not believe those that said they met me in a wilderness place. See the 8 videos titles listed at this Airtable database:

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