Technocrats & the War on God (Transhumanism & Creating an A.I. god)

8 months ago

Technocrats & the War on God (Transhumanism & Creating an A.I. god)
00:00 Intro & Orwell’s Nightmare Scenario
01:47 My Nightmare Scenario
06:46 Googles New Quantum Computer
11:37 Technocrats Have Declared War On God
14:20 Yuval Harari On AI Writing New Bible
16:20 The New AI Religion & Silicon Valley’s Religious Drive
20:25 AI Is Tapped Into All Human Knowledge
22:16 The Merging Of Tech & Religion (Vatican Info)
26:05 Danger Of Using AI For The Act Of Confession
27:29 4th Industrial Revolution & Destabilizing Society
31:58 Robot Police & Surveillance State (clip)
32:39 9 Humanoid Robots Visit The UN (clip)
33:40 The Future Of Brain Warfare
37:48 The Real Danger Of The Technocrat
39:31 “The Worlds Most Dangerous Idea Is Transhumanism”
45:06 We Can Avoid This Nightmare Scenario
Original Source: HelioWave
Source: "Fearless Nation"
NOTE: These are not necessarily the beliefs of the uploader. Discernment is required to see the Truth in all of it. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Jesus Christ is the Light that came into the world. There is NO other name by which you can be saved! Repent, be baptized and Born Again!
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