Disturbing Prophesy from July 1, 2021

8 months ago

The Bible was written outside the dimension of time as God writes history in advance. The daily news regarding Israel and Palestina was prophetically foretold thousands of years ago.

The terrorist organization (Hamas) is mentioned in the original Hebrew text. Strong Concordance: translated in the KJV as violence (39x), violent (7x), cruelty (4x), wrong (3x), false (2x), cruel (1x), damage (1x), injustice (1x), oppressor (with H376) (1x), unrighteous (1x). Dispelling myth and deception; the truth regarding the LAND given to Abraham (Isaac, Jacob/Israel) by Jehovah – Lord of Heaven and Earth.

The Throne Room of Heaven in Zechariah, Isaiah, and Ezekiel as we progress to Revelation chapter 4.

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