White Hats – Captain Field McConnell and Special Ops Green Beret Casper – Revealing Truth

8 months ago

*This is a good one.

TOPICS: How the people were really killed on the 911 jets, Bin Laden not dead, how the Seal 6 Team was murdered by President order, the final war of Israel and Palestine, true Middle East History and upcoming Disclosure.

Source: Juan O Savin SITREP – https://rumble.com/v3r3t1o--oct-12-2023-special-q-and-a-capt-field-mcconnell-specops-green-beret-caspe.html?fbclid=IwAR39g6wq1YTBDcjf869MeUf1Cf-Tt21qBD7cLXTtYXGIO9vn7JEob_Lil_g

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