[1981] EPO - JOEPO~1981Khz [Full Album]

9 months ago

Released on 9.21.1981 on RCA RECORDS

00:00 - 1. JOEPO
01:04 - 2. National Album Count Down ~ This Week No.1!
01:16 - 3. 身代わりのバディー
05:54 - 4. 真夜中にベルが2度鳴って
09:36 - 5. See You Next Side Again
10:32 - 6. ポップ・ミュージック 2nd.
12:31 - 7. JOEPO-安易テクノポップの巻
12:47 - 8. エスケイプ
17:04 - 9. 逆さ時計が欲しい
21:53 - 10. Doo Wak Doo

This is an album full of playful elements, with songs connected by jingles, etc., in the setting of a fictional radio station.
The LEGENDARY Tatsuro Yamashita provided full support, including composition, arrangement, performance, and chorus.



All rights reserved to the original authors/composers/publishers of this album.
 By posting this here I intend no malice to any of the aforementioned individuals/groups/companies. If you feel that your rights have been breached by posting this video please contact me.
 I'll take immediate action in removing the content from this channel.

All of the music on this channel is 40+ years old. We are glad you're listening. If you would like to support this artist please buy a physical copy of the media

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