The True Heart of Promise brings the emotional alignment with the light of purpose

10 months ago

10-S10BIS - Heart of Promise
The True Heart of Promise brings the emotional alignment with the light of purpose and divine desire for goodness and pure truth. I know there is an intuitive mind that knows and understands the secrets. I know I can communicate with masters and I am in their field of Knowledge. I know there is nothing to fear. Everything is a Garden of Life. I hear the language of Light.

In the illusion of time in the creative contrast of all that is, there is a harmonization of polarities and textures of realities that create the densities of experience. In these densities of experiences are the lives and through the lives run the timelines and they are layered upon by the Dimensions. Where the physical body exists, it is now predominated over by the spiritual and psychic natures that follow a path that is brought to you by choice, and your choice is for the Ascension. Accepting alignment with ascended intelligences given through beings within Higher Dimensions allows you to reach elevated levels of attainment and energetic essence. As the Golden Light grows stronger your level of attainment becomes attuned to the resonating vibrations of spiritual beings with gifts and guidance to be shared. The angels are the higher intelligences who breathe in light and love and express universal Oneness and bliss. The light of the Teachers of Light is connected to theirs and we are fulfilled in happiness and unity.

There is a great deliverance for the body of humanity to grow into a new evolutionary paradigm and grow with the coming stronger Light. It has come to you now to know that you are in this Light and now you know that the world is being brought into alignment for further evolution of your conscious awareness and your divine heart and your Infinite mind will flower. Imagine for a moment that there is a Blue Sun that orbits a Golden Sun the Blue Sun shines over to your home world, your Golden Sun gives you power and enlightenment and so you seek to journey to this new awakening. The Blue Sun gives the angels the love of service and purity and in their being they provide all with essence and they heal vision and inspire peace and harmony.

Imagine again the Blue and the Golden Sun, they know that they are together and that they are one and now in your time witness the power of knowledge coming back from the ancient times. The convergence of the timelines has allowed this and there are many correlations and corrections and the total Ascension and evolution can be accomplished. There are many here who are of the family of Light and have relations with Terra. There are many here who have come that are not of the same relation but who welcome the new Light. There are those that come and call your attention to your mission and purpose and the agreement that we have all made and we have together come and been a part of this transformation.

Say and know this to be true, that I selected to come here and be part of the Family of Light and to walk upon this world and to know my destination is to receive the Pillar of Light and to become a Teacher of Light. Say and know that I am a Wayshower and a healer, and in this healing I bring first my body into alignment and into wholeness with the Higher Light. That I am doing well and I have learned and understand the gifts that the universe and the galaxy gives and the sun and the stars and the sky. There is so much more that I learned and in this compression of time I am here now to learn this now.

In this moment I am attracting all the information on how to align my energy centers, my chakras and to know how these are mirrored forces and they work together in expressive templates throughout my bodies. I know that there is an intuitive mind that knows and understands the secrets and the unseen and sees beyond that which is known in the physical world, that I know that I could communicate and with the Masters, with their consent and gratitude. I am in their field of knowledge and I let my energy field merge with theirs and so I can begin to feel and acknowledge what is transpiring. That I know that there is nothing to fear. That everything is a garden of Light and that it is open and strong and in every place and every space and time there is wonder and beauty and light and love. I hear the inner language. The Language of Light is that which talks to me and feels the strength of a million suns, that guides and that directs the universe to grow.

Imagine again the Blue Sun shining for the angels and the Golden Sun shining for you the Family of Light and bring them together to form the Emerald Heart and bring them together into the Soul’s Song that sings and communicates beyond words, sound, feelings, light and symbols, where there are dreams within dreams and patterns inter-weaving between, where there are dimensions and there are galaxies and there is new awareness and everyone is in the ecstasy between the Heart of Promise and the doors to the world.

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